Best Online Book Clubs to Join During the Pandemic

Are you looking for something new and interesting to read? Do you have a hard time actually finishing a book without anything to keep you accountable? Or are you just looking for a small community where people come together, appreciate books, and share their thoughts and passions?
There are actually many online book clubs you can join right now! Some host monthly meetings via conference call, some are small local groups, some have online forums where you can share your thoughts, and some simply give you book recommendations. Choose one that fits you.
Here are some of the best online book clubs to join right now!
The Quarantine Book Club
The Quarantine Book Club has hosted an online book club meeting nearly every day since March 16. Each meeting features a discussion with an author via Zoom and brings together a virtual community of bookworms from all over the nation.
To join a meeting, you have to pay a $5 registration fee; however, there are discount codes and refund policies for those who cannot pay. This small fee is meant to encourage those who sign up to actually attend. Check out the lineup and join an upcoming meeting here! Make sure you tune in to listen to an author speak about a book you really enjoyed.
Goodreads community groups
Goodreads features thousands of book clubs, many of which are open to the public, where readers can write in and share their opinions on books in an online forum. Some of the most popular community groups have hundreds of thousands of members.
Many of the book clubs have themes and some suggest monthly books that members can read. You can interact with people from around the world and bond over your favorite pieces of literature. The community boards are usually safe spaces run by moderators and community leaders.
One of the most popular Goodreads groups is Our Shared Shelf, initially run by Emma Watson. Check out Our Shared Sheld and other groups here!
Rebel Book Club
The Rebel Book Club is a London-based book community. When you become a member, you have access to a bi-monthly remote gathering where you discuss an assigned book with other members and special guests. Since the book club has gone virtual due to the pandemic, you can join from anywhere in the world. Rebel Book Club also has chapters in Berlin and Barcelona. Learn more about this interactive book club here.
Oprah’s Book Club 2.o
I’m sure you’ve heard of Oprah’s Book Club — it originally launched as a part of The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996. Every month, Oprah herself would recommend a book to her viewers. Sometimes, books that were written by unknown authors, would quickly become bestsellers.
Although the original book club ended in 2011, a new version of Oprah’s book club, Oprah’s Book Club 2.0, is still going on to this day! You can check out Oprah’s latest recommendation here.
Now Read This
The New York Times and PBS News Hour co-host Now Read This, an online book club that anyone can join. Every month they recommend a new book, non-fiction or fiction, that sheds light on a current issue or theme. Some recent selections included American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson, Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips, and American Prison by Shane Bauer. Check out the Now Read This Facebook group here.
The Silent Book Club
The Silent Book Club, a book club for introverts, has many chapters around the world. Essentially, the club encourages community and people coming together to enjoy some good literature. Since COVID-19, many local Silent Books Clubs have gone virtual. Find out if there’s a local chapter near you by checking The Silent Book Club map here.
You don’t have to read the same book as everyone else, just pick up something you have been meaning to read and meet up with fellow book-lovers and introverts.
Poppy Loves Book Club
Poppy Loves Book Club, a spirited community of women worldwide, holds a monthly Big Book Club Discussion via Facebook. Some of the most recent book assignments include The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton and Brighten Rock by Graham Greene. Learn more by visiting the Poppy Loves Book Club Facebook group and website. You can share your thoughts as you are reading with the other Facebook group members.
You can also join a local chapter of Poppy Loves Book Club. If this is something that interests you, find one near you here.
The Girlfriend Book Club
The Girlfriend Book Club is another women’s book club you can join via Facebook. Once a month, meet with a group of women from all over the United States (and maybe even around the world) to discuss your favorite novels, from the comfort of your own home. Occasionally, the meetings are joined by an actual author.
After each meeting, a poll is posted so you can vote on the next book. Join the private Facebook group here! Also, learn more about the book club before joining here.
Start your own book club
If you don’t feel like any of these online book clubs are the right fit, consider starting your own! There are two ways you can go about this: reach out to strangers and acquaintances via social media, or start a small club with your friends and family. Your book club does not have to be a huge commitment: simply choose a book and virtually meet once a month to discuss.
Getting together with others to share your thoughts is actually a great way to properly digest the book. Sometimes after reading a particularly tragic or meaningful story, you are left to process alone, with your thoughts swirling in every direction. Meeting with a small group of people or even just one close friend can help you make sense of the material. Also, it’s a lot of fun.