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10 Best Music Playlists to Keep Your Focus During Your Study Time

10 Best Music Playlists to Keep Your Focus During Your Study Time


One of the hardest things to do is to get into the mood for studying during college. Even just finding a suitable place that gets you into the atmosphere of writing that paper or finishing a group assignment can be agonizing. But never fear for your handy study playlist is here. Not only are music playlists some of the best resources available for struggling students. But more often then not, they are super easy to find. So here’s a list of a few that we recommend. Also! All of these are found on YouTube for free.


Chilled Cow is one of the most reputable resources for a study playlist on YouTube. Known for their lofi beats, they have dominated the study playlist niche for just about as long as I can remember. Not only do they have 24/7 lofi streams with their trademark study girl listening on headphones and turning the page now and then, but they also have tons of music within their library for your to create your study playlist from scratch if a randomized set of tunes isn’t quiet your style. With their calming and dulcet songs, it’s easy for anyone to get into the zone of writing with minimal distractions.



Yet another lofi artist that is well known in the study playlist market. Ambition isn’t known for their streaming of music, but rather their careful cultivation of songs into album-long videos. Not only is this youtube channel a must-watch if you’re looking for some soothing lofi beats to get you into the mood of writing, but somehow the comments section of their videos are just always so uplifting and genuinely encouraging. If you ever find yourself feeling a bit discouraged, you can just scroll down and have a read of a few lovely comments that encourage you to keep going. A very rare find on the internet nowadays.

Café Music BGM Channel

Café Music BGM Channel is an excellent resource if electronic beats aren’t quite your thing. Often having a 24/7 stream or two on their channel much like chilled Cow, café music is much more geared towards those trying to find some smooth jazz or old fashion style of listening. This style of study playlist is highly recommended for an early morning study session if you’re in your room and are trying to not disturb your dormmate or any neighbors. Just pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, plug in your headphones, and get ready to be transported right into a cute café that will motivate you to get your work finished before that deadline.


Perhaps lofi and jazz isn’t your thing though for a study playlist. Maybe you’d instead feel a bit more of a nostalgic tug in your heart to get your going. Or you’re a little bit more invested into orchestral music. Are you a video game nerd that wants to get lost in your work while daydreaming about your favorite game? Well, SuperRedGames has you covered. They have a wide variety of video game music carefully compiled together to make sure a soft and gentle atmosphere is achievable almost anywhere that you go. The next time you want a little bit of nostalgia in your study sessions, put these playlists on in the background to energize you.


Just Instrumental Music

As the channel name says, perhaps none of the things I’ve listed so far is what you need. Lofi is a bit too electronic, jazz is a bit too distracting with its syncopation and unpredictable melodies. Maybe Video game music is annoying or distracting to you. Well, my friend, here’s your solution, all wrapped up in a beautiful classical package. Just Instrumental Music has a heavy focus on classical music compositions such as that from Mozart, Strauss, Beethoven, and so on.  Though not my personal favorite, I know many people swear by the power that classical music can have on your learning habits. So if nothing else is working for you, why not give this a shot?

Chillhop Music

Chill hop music is excellent for your study playlist not only in terms of music quality but also in terms of background ambiance. If you crave the sensation of being transported entirely into a land elsewhere from the current one you find yourself in, Chill hop is sure to be a hit. With an underlying white noise in the background of most of their study playlist hits, it can be easy to find yourself in the zone. Not only that, but their bright and soothing visuals with each and every video they have up can give you a much-needed respite from time to time if you just needed to look at anything else other than your current word document.

Soul Candle

Soul Candle is much more of a variety mix bag when it comes to the overall style and tone that the music they post has. Boasting an extensive library with over 1,000 videos, they have listings from traditional Japanese sounding flute music, to creepy house ambiance, and even African conga drums. There’s just a little bit of everything for everyone on this study playlist channel. While it may take some time to comb through everything and find a particular study playlist listed in the channel that works for you, I can have confidence that if there’s a vibe you’re looking for, they probably have it.


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The Guild of Ambience

Perhaps music in general just doesn’t do it for you. Maybe you’re just the type that likes to study in relative peace and quiet without any disruptions or loud noises. Perhaps you’re just looking for something that can give you the right amount of white noise to drown out the rest of the world. Then my friend, The Guild of Ambiance, is the one for you. Listing hours long videos that you can add to your study playlist this youtube channel makes it easy for you to tune out the rest of the world and get things done while listening to the sound of whatever you want! You like thunderstorms? What about a crackling fire? The sound of a gentle waterfall? This channel has it all.



Maybe you like a bit more mainstream music, though. Perhaps k-pop is your style, and you’d like to incorporate some of it into your study sessions without it getting too distracting. What if you want to bob your head to the beat without having to go full-on dance dance revolution in your seat? Well, this channel has you covered. Taking popular k-pop songs and compiling together soothing instrumental versions together all at once. Highly recommended if you’re looking to add to your study playlist.

City Girl

This YouTuber certainly has a bit more dreamlike quality than the rest. With entire albums of original content and songs that seem as if they want to lull you into the gentle horizon sunset from a high-rise apartment in the middle of the city, City girl certainly knows what kind of music it wants to be. While lofi would be a good description, I’m not sure it envelopes everything that this particular music artist evokes. There’s an enormous serene calmness that can be felt throughout the entire discography of this youtube channel. If you ever find yourself unable to stay calm, thanks to a deadline or paralyzed with fear over your next essay, this is definitely an artist to look up.


Is there anyone we missed? Do you have any study playlists that you prefer to use? Comment down below to let us know!