**18 Best Indoor Plants That Will Liven Up Your Space***
One of the best things about going outside is plants. Since many of us aren’t able to spend a ton of time enjoying nature, why not bring it inside? Before you think “oh, no, I can’t keep anything alive,” trust me. This list has some of the easiest to care for indoor plants anyone can have – and I mean anyone.
Lucky bamboo plants are a great option for those of you who aren’t sure if you can keep a plant alive because it’s pretty low maintenance. In my experience with bamboo plants, they need water about once a week and prefer low light – keep them out of direct sunlight!
Another hearty plant, spider plants are pretty low maintenance and do well in low light settings. They also are a good choice if you want a plant that will purify the air in your space.
Keep these guys out of direct light, only water them when the soil is super dry, and try not to get the leaves wet when you water them. They’re super low key plants as far as care goes, but they can grow and become massive if you give them the room to do so.
These plants like warm environments and sunlight. You’ll want to place your fiddle leaf fig near a window to ensure it gets enough sunlight – just make sure there’re no drafts by that window.
Air plants need to be fully submerged in water for 5-10 minutes every 1-2 weeks so if you’re good about checking your calendar or setting biweekly reminders on your phone, these are a great option for you. They don’t need soil or an actual pot so you can put them anywhere and in any container really.
If you have ever been sunburned, you know how great aloe vera plants can be. These plants can do well in bright, indirect sunlight, and only really need to be watered once a month.
This is a great plant for those spots that don’t get much sun. However, they need to be spritzed with water every week or so to keep them happy.
While this plant does well in low-light settings, it also does well in bright, indirect lighting as well. Golden Pothos plants like to have their soil dry out completely between waterings so I’d recommend checking in once a week by feeling the soil to see if it needs anything.
Jade plants might be a bit high maintenance compared to the other plants on this list. he’s playing us like 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight each day and likes to be watered twice a month or more in the summer and once a month in the winter.
Just water your ponytail palm once a month and leave it in direct sunlight and you’re good to go. They like the light and to let their topsoil dry out.
Orchids like indirect sunlight, and thrive in humid areas. In the warmer months, they need to be watered twice a week and in cooler months just once a week.
Christmas cactus plants like some direct sunlight but not too much. They also need to be watered weekly in warmer months and about every 1.5-2 weeks in cooler months so it can bloom.
These guys are easy in my opinion. Indirect sunlight, water when the soil is dry, it can’t get any easier!
The name might seem complicated, but the care isn’t too bad. Just keep the soil moist, you’ll know how often you need to water yours by checking the soil and seeing how quickly it gets dry. These plants can also survive in low light settings. If you have pets that like to snack on your plants or kids, make sure these plants are out of reach if you bring one of these into your home because they are toxic if ingested.
Water weekly and place in bright, indirect sunlight.
These ferns like shaded spaces and need water twice a week during the summer and once a week in the winter.
These plants need indirect sunlight and like the snake plant, let the souls dry out before you water it again.
No, money doesn’t actually grow from this plant, but they are easy to care for. Water them once their soil dries out, and keep in bright light – just not direct sunlight.
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