The Best Hiking In Vermont To Keep You Active In The Fall

Vermont is a nature lover’s and outdoors-person’s safe haven for obvious reasons. Its mixture of grassland, mountain-land and general greenery is unlike anywhere else in the United States. This also makes it a great spot for outdoor activities such as biking, skiing and hiking. This article will specifically cover hiking and all the best places where you can hike in the state. Get your backpacks and water bottles ready everyone. These are some of the best hiking in Vermont spots.
1. Sunset Ridge Trail, Mt. Mansfield (Stowe)
Mt. Mansfield is the highest point in Vermont, making it one of the most sought-out viewpoints in the state. There are multiple trails to get up to the summit but the most popular is known as the Sunset Ridge Trail. It’s a 3 mile way up and the whole experience will last about four and a half hours. Parking is available at the nearby Underhill State Park for a small fee of $4. It’s not going to be easy but upon completion, you’ll be rewarded with a view of the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain like nowhere else in the state.
2. Monroe Trail, Camel’s Hump (Huntington)
If you live in Chittenden County at all, you’ve probably heard of this mountain before. It’s equally as popular as Mt. Mansfield and as equally sought-out views! The trail is about 2.95 miles one way and will also last about 4 and a half hours round trip. Be careful as this trail is noticeably steep and, therefore, is not recommendable to beginning hikers. But even so, the memorable scenery, memorable views and general pleasant experience make it all worth it. This is one of the best hiking in Vermont spots.
3. The Long Trail (Statewide)
A reoccurring theme in Vermont hiking excursions is that no matter how much fun they may be, you yourself have to earn that fun. And no other trail exemplifies this as much as the Long Trail, a 272 mile footpath through the middle of the state. The trail, which later became an inspiration for the establishment of the Appalachian trail, runs through the Green Mountains, state parks and all the ponds and cabins in the state. If you’re looking for a challenge that’ll last you all summer and allow you to connect with nature in the process, this is for you.
4. Mount Philo Trail (Charlotte)
Here’s some fun that you won’t have to earn as much. This trail is only 0.95 miles long and can last anywhere from an hour to two. It’s highest point is no greater than 960 ft. This small walk is, unsurprisingly, pretty popular with not just beginner hikers but also with children, the elderly, college students, visitors to Vermont and other groups of people who want physical activity without tiring themselves out. So if you’re looking for something simple, check this place out! This is one of the best hiking in Vermont spots.
5. Colchester Pond Loop (Colchester)
Let’s finish with something equally as simple. The Colchester Pond Loop is a small, ovaloid trail lasting only 3 miles, meaning that you can walk it in less than an hour if you’re fast enough. There’s little elevation here so while it might not be as picturesque as the Long Trail, it’s still worth visiting for one important reason: it’s only 20 minutes away from the University of Vermont. That means that you can get some physical activity in while still staying local if you live in the Burlington area. If you live there, check it out sometime!
So what do you think of the best hiking in Vermont? Do you too believe these give you the best hiking experiences in Vermont? Leave your responses in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit

Hi! I'm Tyler and I'm a sophomore student at the University of Vermont. I'm an English major and I'm minoring in French and Linguistics. I'm particularly interested in reading, writing, philosophy and the natural world (although the Internet is somewhere I hang out often too).