If there’s one thing I love about my hair, it’s the fact that it’s long (and curly!)—I’ve been subject to wacky crew cuts as a child and they’re not fun! But, if there’s something I really DISLIKE about my locks it’s the fact that it gets dry really quickly! I can use as many hair products as I want, my hair just won’t abide by the rules. And by “the rules” I simply mean that all I want it to do is look bouncy and shiny, all while taming its frizz. Is that too much to ask for?
Do you feel me? Is the struggle real? What do you do to retain moisture in your hair? Up until now, I’d tried regular oil routines, egg in my hair (yes!), and even mayonnaise to get the job done! Mayonnaise is great in my sandwich, and good protein for the hair, no doubt, but these things didn’t do anything for the lack of shine and moisture.
But, I’m excited to announce that things are about to change, for me and for (some) of you. If you’re looking for a hair product that will let you love your natural locks, then you’re in the right place. Below are 5 best hair products that will seal in the moisture—say hello to hydration!
You can revive those dry and devastated tresses by adding Morrocan Oil Hydrating Conditioner to your haircare regime. Moroccan oil boosts shine, hydrates in minutes and locks in the moisture for you to enjoy a good hair day every day! If you really want to go the extra step, switch your shampoo to the Moroccan Oil Hydrating Shampoo—the perfect combination of hair products for beautiful hair!
Get the product:
This product gives the best of both worlds: cream and oil. It provides moisture to your natural locks while keeping them looking hydrated better than ever!
Manuka honey is known to hydrate anything and everything. So, adding it into your daily hair care regimen is no surprise, ladies and gentleman. The honey is known to be light and non-abrasive and this quality instantly gives it the thumbs up! Honey has great healing properties, too. So, if you feel like your hair is fried (too much straightening?), the manuka will be your best friend. Really! Lock in all the moisture!
Get the product:
You’re going to want to invest in it’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product for more than one reason. It not only leaves your hair soft and silky, but it also helps untangle, add shine to your locks, and even color protects. It’s supposed to be like 10 hair products in one! And the best part is: you don’t even have to wash it out. Any time you feel that your hair is looking dull, weave your hands through your strings with a pump of this formula and off you go—it’s that easy! With this leave-in serum, you’re ready to take on the day—no problem!
Get this product:
Everything about this product sounds SO right. Where else can you possibly get shea butter and castor oil together in one serum? Castor oil has thickening and strengthening properties; shea butter gives your hair the moisture it needs to look shiny all day long. It’s seriously the best of both worlds.
Get this product:
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