To My Best Friend’s Mom On Mother’s Day

To my best friend’s mom on Mother’s Day,
Thank you. Thank you for giving birth to my best friend.
I know it wasn’t easy, and there were many obstacles along the way, but I truly don’t know where I’d be today without her. Thank you for making her into the amazing, beautiful person that she has come to be. Thank you for standing by her in good times and bad. I hate that I wasn’t there for all of those times, but I’m glad that you were. Thank you for teaching her kindness and respect, how to love and never to hate, and to be strong and unafraid. Thank you for making her your priority even on the hardest of days. And thank you for being like a second mother to me. Thank you for giving me advice and making me feel like I always have someone to go to, even if it’s not your daughter. Thank you for it all.
I used to believe that all best friends let you down once in a while and that it was normal if they made you feel like crap sometimes.
I thought that I was being a good friend by letting my “best friends” bring me down just to lift themselves up. And I used to think I knew who my best friends were, and how they should treat me. But I had no freaking clue what a real best friend truly was until I met your incredible daughter. She has changed me in every good way possible and drops everything the second she knows that I need help. Without a doubt, she NEVER lets me down, or makes me feel like crap, and I am positive that she never, ever will. She lifts me up with her, instead of pushing me down. And she takes joy in my accomplishments and sadness in my sorrows. Your daughter has helped shape me into who I am, and I can only hope that I have done the same for her.
And did I mention how amazing my best friend is?
Did I mention how infectious her smile is and how she lights up every room she walks into? Did I mention that she’s stunning inside and out, and that her laugh is highly contagious? And did I mention that she always puts others before herself and that she has a heart of gold? Lastly, did I mention that it’s all thanks to you? She wouldn’t be here today without you, and quite honestly neither would I. So I’m saying thank you from the bottom of my heart. For everything. And I hope for you, that this Mother’s Day is filled with laughs, love, and lots of chocolate! You deserve it.