10 Best Fitness Exercises To Do Around Campus At USC

Yes Trojans, you can work out without having to go all the way to Lyon! Get some fresh air, bring some friends along, and work out to your heart’s content at any time of day or night! Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of the 10 best fitness exercises to do around campus, so read on, exercise on, and enjoy!

1. Stadium Runs at Cromwell Track and Field

How-to: Set a starting point on the track (e.g. entrance gate by PED) and start jogging/running around the track. Once you hit the stands, jog up the stairs, sprint the flats, jog down the stairs, sprint the flats (repeat until you exit the stands), then jog/run the rest of the track until you complete one full lap.

Recommended beginner workout: 2-3 complete laps with a 1-3 min rest period between each.

2. Suicide Runs on the basketball court

How-to: Start on one end of the court. Sprint to the free throw line, touch the line, sprint back to the start, sprint to 3-pt line, touch, sprint back to the start, to half-court, touch, back to start, to opposite 3-pt line, touch, back to start, opposite free throw line, touch, back to start, opposite end of court, touch, and back to start to complete one run.

Recommended beginner workout: 2-3 runs with a 1-2min rest period between each.


3. Planks in the MHP Courtyard

How-to: Lie on your stomach, raise yourself onto your forearms such that your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Feet should be together or slightly less than hip-width apart. Tuck in your butt, keep your back and neck straight, and hold for 30sec-1min to complete 1 plank.

Recommended beginner workout: 2-3 planks with a 30sec-1min rest period between each.

4. Sprints down Trousdale Parkway

How-to: Oh, come on, this one I’m not explaining! 🙂

Recommended beginner workout: 2-4 sprints with a 1-2min rest period between each.

5. Chin-ups at the adult jungle gym by EVK

How-to: Position your hands so that palms face you and thumbs face out. Start with bent elbows, pull yourself up so that your chin reaches the bar, and lower down so that your arms form ~90° angle to complete a chin-up.

Recommended beginner workout: 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions with 30sec-1min rest period between each.

6. Box Jumps in Crocker Plaza

How-to: Start with both feet shoulder width apart in front of bench, jump with both feet onto the bench (use those arms!), then step or jump down to complete a box jump.

Recommended beginner workout: 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions with 30sec-1min rest period between each.


7. Bench Push-Up Trio by Marshall

How-to: Assume push-up position with your hands on the bench and your feet on the ground (Position 1). Assume push-up position with your hands on the ground and your feet on the bench (Position 2). Assume push-up position with both hands and feet on the ground (Position 3).

Recommended beginner workout: 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions for Positions 1-3 with 30sec-1min rest period between each

See Also

8. Bicycle Crunches on the Heritage Hall steps

How-to: Lie on your back, raise both legs so that they form a 90 angle with your calves parallel to the ground, positions your hands next to your ears, then using the sit-up technique touch your right elbow to your left while straightening your right leg, resume start position, touch your left elbow to your right knee and straighten your left leg, then resume start position to complete one crunch.

Recommended beginner workout: 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions with 30sec-1min rest period.

9. Wall Sits at the VKC courtyard

How-to: Stand with your back against a wall or pillar, keep your back against the wall and slide down until your knees form ~90° angle, then hold for 30sec-1min to complete one wall sit.

Recommended beginner workout: 3-5 sits with a 30sec-1min rest period between each.

10. Lunges on the Bookstore stairs

How-to: Perform lunges up the stairs (skip 1+ stairs) then jog down the stairs to complete one repetition.

Recommended beginner workout: 2 sets of 5-10 repetitions with 30sec-1min rest period between each.


Know of any other great fitness exercises to do around campus? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit.com
Jessica Carrillo

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