Best College Friends To Find Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The Best College Friends for Your Zodiac Sign
Every sign has certain pairings and soulmate matches that help you be the most you you can be. And when picking college friends, these people have an enormous impact on who you’ll become. There are people in our lives meant to help balance our negatives or double down on our positives. Below I have outlined some of the best people to meet in college. Realize that any signs can become best friends. So much more goes into a soulmate than their sun sign, and above all else, if there is a connection, cherish it, no matter what their sign is.
Little Aries, you, are a firecracker. You’re a naturally outgoing person who is sure to make a strong first impression on almost everyone you meet. You’ll want to find someone that can match your fire and intensity. Recommendations for a college friend: a Gemini or a Sagittarius. You will never be bored with a gemini, and for someone that constantly needs to be entertained, you’re in luck. In my years in college, I have never met a more powerful pairing than an Aries and a Sagittarius. The fire and energy that you both have will feed off of each other and only grow stronger. Loud and proud, and don’t give a damn about it. All three of these signs are the life of party and trust me, the room with notice when you are (and aren’t) around.
Taurus is a more calm, consistent, and driven sign. So many times those qualities are mistaken for boring, but I think Taureans respect the beauty in things the world overlooks. You’re ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love, beauty, peace, and harmony. An amazing college friend for you would be a Cancer. Cancer is a sign that can easily mesh well with your chill, down-to-earth nature. Taurus people respect differences among themselves and their friends. In fact, Taurus may not get along with another Taurus. Cancers have this amazing grasp on humor that only comes out when they’re comfortable, same with how you like to have fun. After opening up there is so much excitement between both of you, and together you’ll find fun in the mundane. Capricorn and Taurus make for one of the most natural pairings in the zodiac, and college friends would be no different. Both highly determined, no task is too big for either of you to accomplish, together, you’re unstoppable. Both of you respect each other’s space and offer a type of consistency that you both need to thrive. Truly soulmate signs.
Gemini: full of boundless energy, arguably the most superior communicative skills in the zodiac, and the center of attention without even trying. Making college friends is extremely easy for you. You have the charisma of a champion, the likes of which are only matched by the headstrong bold nature of an Aries. As college friends both of you are unapologetically yourselves and you’ll keep each other laughing for years. None can match your social capabilities, but one other comes close, Libra. The two of you rule the realm of social influence and together will probably become some of the most popular college friends. Both of you are intellectuals and do well with the mental stimulation you’ll provide each other. All air signs are highly adept communicators, but you both have a sense of diplomacy that is truly respectable. College friendships are built of the magic these two share.
The mother of the zodiac. Cancers are the most nurturing people you can have in your life, especially as a college friend when stress is high. And while their moodiness does get the best of them, it comes from a place of love and 9 out of 10 times they didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. You’d do well to surround yourself with a Taurus. Both relatively introverted home bodies who emphasize comfort above all else. When you feel down or spiraling out of control, a college friend in Taurus offers an aura of stability to help balance it out. The next ideal college friend: Scorpio Your emotions and feelings will not go unheard with this sign. One of the only signs that match your emotional intelligence, often times the emotions you display are the exact ones the Scorpio hides. There is a deeper connection there, you two will truly understand each other.
Leo, confidence, charisma. 3 words that fit together perfectly. You take pride in your appearance and the way you present yourself turns heads whether people would like to admit it or not. A libra would be an excellent college friend. Ruled by Venus, Libra shares your interest in appearance and beauty. Together you’ll undoubtedly be the most well-dressed pairing anywhere you go. Your sense of adventure and need for fun are not lost on Libra either. These same desires are emphasized when around a college friend with their sign in Aries. Both of you have this innate desire to succeed. This natural longing to be the best in anything you do. A truly perfect competitive partner to join a sports team with or embark on some new journey. Together you’ll find more college friends.
Virgo is a highly intelligent and introspective sign that can pinpoint even the smallest details, both positive and negative, in people they interact with. In other words, if you’re lying, a virgo can tell. Virgos respect people that are wholeheartedly themselves, trust me when I say, they can tell when you’re faking it, and they won’t appreciate it. A Taurus is a perfect college friend for you. With a Taurus what you see is what you get. Sure there are layers to any personality, but even as you get closer and those layers start to peel away, the two signs are extremely similar on a fundamental level. Both are highly driven people that like to have a plan for the future and have their priorities in check. I would also recommend a college friend in Scorpio. They share that same disdain for superficiality. You both have a secret side to you, hiding your true emotions until behind closed doors, but that creates a type of safe space you can both open up in. On the outside a Virgo is seemingly always calm, cool, and collected, but when alone though their thoughts are a storm, Scorpio can validate the feelings you don’t feel comfortable enough to share. Scorpio is one of the best signs at hiding what they truly feel, with ease they can hold feelings inside of them for eternity. Having someone who shares their quality for protection of their emotions and feelings will help alleviate some of their internal pressure. Symbiosis at its finest.
Libra is the most social sign of the zodiac. All air signs typically are, but the Libra is truly a people person. This sign can probably become college friends with just about anyone. This sign can always see both sides of an argument and has a habit of playing devil’s advocate. You respect beauty in all forms, as per your ruling planet, Venus. Aquarius would be a lifelong college friend. Both socially exceptional, the two of you strive to be everybody’s friend. You both have this type of dual nature to you, while less dramatic than say a Gemini, you both have a light side, and a darker side, that you will share with each other, and no one else. A Leo would also be a strong companion. Presentation is everything for this pairing, but the truth is that its effortless. You’re both adventurous and would try anything that sounds like fun, and look damn good doing it.
You are one of the most intensely passionate signs of the zodiac and while people may misunderstand you, the people who know you really appreciate you in their lives. Seriously, if you have a scorpio in your life, don’t lose them, their loyalty knows no bounds and unless you really screw up, they’ll be around forever. For you Scorpio, seek out a Virgo and a Pisces for college friends. Its often overlooked just how intellectual Scorpios are. You have a keen sense of the unspoken and can read a room like no one else, except for a Virgo. If you two just sat in a room during a tense moment, afterwards you two could talk about every single detail that occurred. There is also this imaginative air around Scorpio and Pisces pairings. 9 times out of 10 the Scorpio looks after or protects the Pisces, but you two will always have each other’s backs. Pisces is the most creative sign, building entire worlds in their mind, and you are pretty close, you just don’t show it. Open up to each other, and the possibilities are endless.
Y’all are the most exciting of any sign. Hands down. And as much as some other signs might hate to admit it, you’re the most fun. You’re constantly a ray of positivity and sunshine and light up a room like no other. Making college friends comes naturally to you. An energy match out of this world would come bundled in a Leo. Excitement knows no bounds with you two. This can be said for all fire signs, but where as Aries is a type of wild, unrelenting, burn bright but fast fun, a Sagittarius and Leo are endless, explorative, and enduring fun. Easily the center of attention for any gathering. The most unique pairing in the zodiac perhaps, from personal experience, would hands down be that of a Sagittarius and an Aquarius. Highly sociable, but what separates you two from say a Gemini and a Libra, is where your energy is. Sagittarius is boundless and radiating energy, and Aquarius is as down for a good time as they come. Both of you are astonishingly unique and hate to feel constrained. Reach for the stars, you’ll go farther together than you could ever imagine.
This is a sign that has his head on straight, one of my personal favorites. Driven with a goal in mind, and no one is going to stop you. You may get a bad rep for being boring or stoic, but a Capricorn knows how to have fun, you just provide a solid case for the saying “there is a time and place.” Many people overlook your party capabilities, but when you go out, you go out. Seek out a Taurus for a college friend. Both enjoy the quiet reverence of a night in, but still appreciate the beauty and finer things in life. You’re a little more of a party animal than a Taurus, but give it time, and they’ll come around and be just as down for a good time. Also seek out a Scorpio. The loyalty present in any earth sign is just as prevalent in a Scorpio. You both have this desire to “do it, and do it right” in any thing you do. If you two have similar passions you’re more likely to stick to it than any other signs, both of you provide the positivity and support necessary for the other to be the best in whatever you dream of. Truly remarkable college friends together.
You are a visionary, and are truly going to do great things in this world. You tend to be a rebel and have blatant disregard for the rules, but that’s how all great revolutions are born. Look for a college friend in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is one of the strongest dreamers with a truly great vision for the future that aligns near perfectly with yours. You both want to see the best in the world and are wiling to work to change it. And even if social upheaval and rebellion isn’t your thing, you’re both people, people. Crazy fun to be around and even if their thoughts shoot from point to point, you’re going to keep up and have brilliant conversations. Aside from a Sagittarius look for a college friend in Gemini. You’re only intellectual equal, you’re both going to provide excellent points to any conversation. You’re more willingly to slow down than a Gemini, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be there when you don’t feel like doing anything. Just lying around all day and talking is an adventure with you two.
A dreamer. Building worlds in you’re mind and finding galaxies where others find nothing. As this headspace makes some people see you as too in your head. I don’t think that’s true, I think you find solace in introspection, but thats something we should all enjoy. Find a college friend in Taurus. They will always keep you grounded. Sometimes you’ll be on cloud 9 and forget the foundation that the smaller details build upon, a Taurus sometimes only sees the realness in life and needs help dreaming. You two balance each other and together with their drive and your dreams, can create something truly beautiful that you’re both proud of. Scorpio is another college friend soul match. You’re sensitivity is not lost on Scorpio, and even if no one else sees it, you’ll notice the cogs turning in their mind and know exactly what they’re thinking. The emotional intelligence you both posses is astonishingly remarkable. Dream together because no one understands you two like you do. Perfect college friends.