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5 Best Coffee Shops Around Baylor University

5 Best Coffee Shops Around Baylor University

It’s no secret that Baylor is filled with college kids who love their daily cup of coffee.  Luckily, Waco has plenty of spots to finish some homework and get your caffeine fix at the same time! Here’s some of the best best coffee shops around Baylor University for your morning joe!

1) Common Grounds- A Baylor Favorite

You can’t go to Baylor without having gotten an iced cowboy from Common Grounds!  This spot is practically on campus, and has open mic nights, concerts, and some of the best and most unique drinks!

Best Drink- An Iced No Bull


2) Pinewood Coffee Bar- A Perfect Study Spot

Pinewood is THE place to go when you gotta get work done!  With individual study stalls and throwback jams playing on the record player, you can always count on Pinewood for good coffee and a good time.

Best Drink- A Caffe Latte

3) Dichotomy Coffee and Spirits- Where You Go to Have Fun!

When you’re looking for a spot to meet someone or bring a friend, Dichotomy is your place! It’s right in downtown Waco with a rooftop deck, and even turns into a bar at night!


Best Drink- A Vanilla Latte

4) Bru Artisan Coffee Works- A Hidden Favorite

Located in a converted elevator shaft of what used to be an old hotel, this spot is mostly known by Waco and Baylor locals.  It’s never too crowded, so it’s the perfect place to go if you need some peace and quiet during an exam week!

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Best Drink- An Iced Cold Bru with Cream

5) Lula Jane’s- The Spot to Go Before Game Day!

Lula’s is not a coffee shop itself, but seriously has some of the BEST coffee if you like it simple! It’s a bakery that’s always buzzing with Waco and Baylor residents, especially Saturday mornings before game day!

Best Drink- A Bottomless Ethiopian Roast Coffee


So there you have it- next time you need some coffee to get you through your day, look no further than around Baylor for some of the best spots!

Let us know what you think about the best coffee shops around Baylor University in the comments below!
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