Best Cheap Date Ideas When You’re On A Budget

We love going out and spending one on one time with the people we love. Even though we enjoy spoiling them, it does not always mean that we have the money to do so. Being in a less than ideal financial situation means we have to be more creative with our activities. So if you are currently building up a nest egg, here are 20 cheap date ideas that will put you and your lover in the perfect mood.
1. Visit Downtown
While most of the activities that are downtown in your neighborhood cost money, it doesn’t mean you have to spend any. If it is a nice day head downtown with your sweetie to do a little window shopping. Even though you can’t buy anything on your trip, it is always fun to see what little treasures might be hidden in your town. If you see something you really like then set it as goal to save your money up for.
2. Make Homemade Pizza
Who doesn’t like pizza? If you want to spend a night under the blankets then you should pair it with a night bonding in the kitchen by making your dream pizza. You only need a few ingredients that can be picked up at the grocery store. Even add a bottle of wine to put you in a frisky mood. Spend the night drinking, laughing and cuddling all while enjoying slices of the melted cheesy goodness.
3. Have A Karaoke Night
There are probably a dozens of scenes in movies with a karaoke. They aren’t just for romcoms though. When your in the mood to spend a great night out head to the nearest bar hosting a karaoke. Most bars having this kind of event will usually offer some sort of happy hour prices or deals, meaning this night out won’t hurt your wallet. Just pick your song and head towards the spotlight.
4. Have A Picnic
It is always a great idea to get out in the sun. The best thing you can do with your baby is pack up your favorite treats from your kitchen, a blanket, and then head off to a nice grassy spot to enjoy your afternoon. The warm sun on your face and delicious taste on your tongue with someone you love will make it one of the best dates you’ve ever had.
5. Star Gazing
Even though it might seem cliche, star gazing can be a perfect evening. With a warm blanket and a few beautiful stars you can have the most romantic of nights. Whether it is in your backyard or in the middle of a field.
6. Visit An Art Gallery
While a museum can get a little bit pricey art galleries don’t cost a thing. You can hit dozens through multiple local towns without spending a single dime. All you have to do is take a little walk around and take in the art work of the inspiring artist of today.
7. Build A Fort
If you are in a playful mood there is nothing better than reliving childhood memories. I used to love spending hours coloring and watching Disney movies under my comforters and dining room chairs. I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than reliving a precious childhood memory with someone you care about so much.
8. Hiking
Some of us crave more than a few nights in and a few stops at local places. For those of you that are craving a little bit of adventure while your dating on a budget, I am here to remind you that everything in nature is free. When you have a full day free get on some active-wear and spend the day on a long hiking trail.
9. Go To A Festival
Festivals can be pretty pricey when you add up all your purchases throughout the day. However, you usually don’t have to to pay to get on the festival grounds. If there is a festival that peeks your interests than hop in your car and head on over. There will be plenty of fun things to see and do that won’t cost you an arm.
10. Go Ice Skating
Ice skating is a great unique activity that takes up hours without costing too much. Most rinks actually don’t even charge you to get on the ice, you just have to rent the skates if you don’t have any of your own. Just make sure to bundle up because it can be cold out on the ice even though your heart is full of warmth
11. Learn A Skill
There are dozens of skills and talents that we all wish we have learned over the years. Luckily, there are plenty of YouTube videos and classes that can help you learn one of them with your partner. Figure out what the two of you would like to learn to do together. What is great about this cheap date idea is that you will be able to fill up multiple date nights as you build up your skill set.
12. Gym Time
Since it is after the holidays I am sure we are all groaning about the extra poundage we collected from all those delicious Christmas cookies and sugary drinks. Make your new years resolution to lose weight a bonding date by having you and your boo both work on yourself while spending time with each other.
13. DIY Crafts
Nothing says “I am on a budget” like a DIY project. When you are trying to budget, it usually doesn’t leave you with a lot of activities outside the house. While you and your love are inside it leaves plenty of time for you two to take a look around and decide what you’d like to add for your decor. There are dozens of DIY projects online that you can do to add a little extra flare to your home that you can get done together.
14. Browse A Second Hand Bookstore
If you and your partner are fond of reading than spending an afternoon in a second hand bookstore would be the perfect date for you. Second hand books are ten times cheaper than retail store books. It makes a fun date because you really have to dig through the shelves to find something that peeks your interest. Once you do, the two of you can spend the rest of the afternoon cuddled up on the couch in your favorite reading spots.
15. Find An Activity On Groupon
Groupon was made for people on a budget. Take your time on the website and make a list of all the discounted activities the two of you can do together. The dates can be endless when you are get the deals you’ll find.
16. Go Through A Maze
In the fall there is always some sort of maze around every corner. The cost of entry isn’t expensive and it is a great seasonal activity for the two of you to do together. Get on your flannel and go take some Instagram worthy picks in a sunflower or corn maze.
17. Photo Scavenger Hunt
Speaking of Instagram, another great activity for two is a photo scavenger hunt. Find a list off the internet of items to snap photos of and head out on the town. It will be fun to see what the two of you will come up with to check off your items on the list.
18. Paint Together
Paint nights are the new, big date night people are loving. You can go out, have some drinks, and head home with a beautifully painted masterpiece you made together. If you don’t have the spare change for the class there are also plenty of videos on YouTube or step by step pictures on Pinterest to follow. Just pick what project you like and get your supplies.
19. 20 Questions
It seems silly, but spending a night playing 20 Questions can be a fun. You’d be suprised by how much you can get to known each other even more. Add in a little bit of booze and who knows what giggles can come out when you are joking around with one another.
20. Host A Potluck
A date night doesn’t have to be night for just two either. If you are in the mood to have friends over than throw a potluck. Everyone can bring a dish. All you have to do is spend the night chatting and laughing with all your loved ones present, not just the love of your life.
Being on a budget can suck sometimes, but it doesn’t have to suck all the time. When you want to spend time with someone you love you have plenty of things to do that doesn’t have to cost a ton, which is why cheap date ideas are such a blessing. All that really matters in the end is that you are doing something special with someone you love.