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Best Casual First Date Ideas For You And Your Boo This Fall

Best Casual First Date Ideas For You And Your Boo This Fall

These casual fall first date ideas are the perfect way to spend some quality alone time with your crush while keeping things chill and low key. Pick just one of the first date ideas off this list or combine a few to create a daylong adventure! 


A great indoor idea for those chilly fall nights, bowling is fun, leaves plenty of room to talk, and brings out your competitive side! Look for a bowling alley with an arcade attached and have the loser pay for game tokens.

Mini Golf

Not only is mini golf a nice way to get outdoors, it also lets you replicate that perfect movie moment where one partner stands behind the other and shows them how to swing the club.

Karaoke Bar

If you are both over 21 and looking to have some carefree fun together, a karaoke bar is the perfect way to loosen up and let go a little! 

See A Live Music Performance

Be on the lookout for local advertisements around town. There are often tons of free live music events of all genres in nearby parks, bars, or colleges. You can also splurge and get tickets to see a an artist you both have a shared love for!

Visit A Museum Or Art Gallery

Checking out a new exhibit at your local museum or art gallery is a great first date idea if you have a shared interest, as it will help steer your discussion in a more mutually comfortable direction.

Drive To A Scenic Overlook

Just finding a pretty view to look at can be the primary aspect of your date! Find a scenic overlook where you can park and lookout as you get to know one another. Bring along snacks, music, and some conversation topics or verbal games in mind.

Ice Skating

If you are both more active, it’s a good idea to look at first date ideas that incorporate physical activity or the outdoors. Ice skating is a great choice to get moving without leaving you too worn out.

Zoo Visit

This is one of my personal top casual first date choices. There is a nice mixture of buildings and outdoor space, places to get food or snacks, and lots of things happening to spark conversation! 

Video Or Board Game Night

Casual but competitive, having a gaming night is a great way to spend some quality one-on-one time together. Order some pizza to finish the night off right!

Shop For Ingredients At A Farmer’s Market

Pick a fresh dish to make, go to the farmers market together to pick up the ingredients and then prepare the food and have dinner together and your house! I really enjoy making homemade salsa and guacamole since the ingredients are so easy to come across and the final product can be put over a large variety of food.

Attend A Speaking Or Book Reading

If you are in college, it is likely there are regular speakings held for students to attend, and many of them are incredibly interesting! There are also often book readings at local book stores where you can receive a signed copy from the author themselves.

Animal Shelter

You don’t have to adopt in order to go look at and play with the adorable cats and dogs at your local humane society or animal shelter! Go in and take a look around or sign up and volunteer to take one or more dog on a walk for a first date that will leave you both happy!

Sporting Event

Purchase tickets to a team you both enjoy or simply attend a game of any type at the local high school or college.

Take A Walk

Just taking a simple stroll is one of the best first date ideas since it allows the conversation to flow freely and naturally. You are constantly walking past new things to talk about, and silence is less awkward than when sitting across from one another at a restaurant. Go to one of your favorite places or drive somewhere new and just go wherever your feet take you!

Dessert Sampling

Find an area of town where there are a lot of restaurants or sweets shops nearby and make your own dessert sampling! Start at one restaurant or store and make your way through as many as you want, purchasing something small from each place. Try mixing up the selection by varying between ice cream (or frozen yogurt, custard, gelato, etc), gourmet chocolate, baked goods, and beverages such as shakes and root beer floats to keep your palate from getting bored.

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Go Thrift Store Shopping And Put On A Photoshoot

This is one of the more unique first date ideas: go shopping at one or more thrift stores looking for cute and/or ridiculous outfits, then go home with your purchases and take a mini photoshoot with one another showing off your best finds!

Picnic In The Park

One of the most classic first date ideas, packing a picnic in the park is always an amazing choice for a reason, so don’t shy away just because its been done before!! You don’t need to pack a healthy lunch or dinner, feel free to incorporate your favorite snacks and drinks instead. Just lay out a blanket beneath the both of you and enjoy!

People Watch

Though less conventional than most first date ideas, you can have a great time anywhere populated by just sitting and watching the people around you. You will realize just how many weird and interesting things there are happening all around you and are sure to find tons of fun things to talk about!

For A Nostalgic Vibe, Visit A Playground

If there is a local park open later at night, visit a playground! Compete over how high you can swing or who can complete the monkey bars faster and compare memories of being a kid to learn more about one another.


This is a perfect casual date idea for anyone looking to just relax and enjoy each other’s company. Bonus points if you know astronomy and can point out constellations! 

Apple Picking

Typically available from late August to early October, apple picking is a fantastic fall first date idea. You’ll have tons of fun in the process and have a souvenir to take home! To extend the night, bake an apple pie with your pickings to share together!

Be A Tourist In Your Own City

No matter how long you’ve lived somewhere, there are always a few places you have never seen or wanted to visit again but never quite gotten around to. This is the perfect opportunity to make some fond memories together and share new experiences, even in your hometown!

I hope these fall first date ideas helped you plan the best day for you and your crush! Let me know in the comments below which date idea you liked best.

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