The Best Beauty Secrets That Actually Come From A Grocery Store

There are often whispers of the best kept beauty secrets passed down through families and discreetly shared from person to person. These best kept secrets are usually from the kitchen and even the garden. Healthy foods are not only meant to satisfy our hunger but to keep us beautiful as well. Who knew? Here are some groceries to keep handy for best beauty secrets!
1) Lemons
There are a few little tricks you can use lemons for like strengthening your cuticles to lightening your hair. This is one of the best beauty secrets that you can get from a grocery store!
- Mix lemon and water and coconut water to create the perfect skin brightening recipe.
- Mix some lemon juice with water and olive oil and soak your nails for a few minutes to strengthen your nails.
- Rub half a lemon on your elbows and knees to get rid of dark spots.
- For sun kissed hair, put some lemon juice in a spray bottle and douse your hair before you go into the sun.
2) Honey
It is not only the cure for sore throats, honey can be used to help with acne issues and to moisturize your skin. This is one of the best beauty secrets that you can get from a grocery store!
- Simply rub natural honey on your face and let it sit for about 10 to 20 minutes for smooth skin.
- Combine lemon and honey to create your own natural facial cleanser for instantly glowing and hydrated skin.
- Combine honey with coconut oil and brown sugar to create the perfect body scrub for smooth skin.
- If you suffer from frizzy or damaged hair, combine honey and yoghurt to create a hair mask.
3) Avocado
We often see avocado on toast all over Instagram, but it seems they can be used to help with common hair problems.
- For the best deep conditioning hair mask, combine avocado, honey and coconut oil to help hydrate your scalp and revive your hair.
- If you suffer from dry skin and are looking for a natural way to fix that, try combining avocado with yoghurt and honey to create your own face mask.
- One other face mask to tighten and smooth skin you can create is to combine one banana, one egg and avocado.
- One other hair treatment to help with growth and repair is to combine avocado with one egg, olive oil and honey.
4) Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can be used as a healthy cooking alternative, but also to help with the peskiest of beauty problems like foot odor and dry skin. I think it is safe to say you should invest in a jar or two of this stuff.
- No recipe needed, rub coconut oil into your scalp to help with dandruff and dry hair.
- Oil pulling is a popular beauty secret used to whiten teeth and get fresher breath. Just swoosh the oil around in your mouth for twenty minutes and your teeth and gums will get healthier day by day.
- You can rub coconut oil on your skin to relieve dryness, eczema and even stretch marks.
- This marvelous ingredient can also be used as shaving cream and makeup remover.
5) Oatmeal
Oatmeal is wonderful for lowering cholesterol and incorporating into your breakfast recipes. But this super food’s anti-inflammatory properties can also be used as some of the best cures for beauty problems.
- Make your own oatmeal facial scrub with rose water and oatmeal to create the best detoxifying mask that is also stress relieving. That is what I call a win, win.
- Make your own oatmeal bath soak with fat dried milk and baking soda to help with skin inflammation.
- For those who wish to find a natural way to combat acne, combine oatmeal with tea tree oil and honey for detox face mask.
- To help with dry and damaged hair, combine oatmeal, water and let it soak in for 15 minutes, then rinse.