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Best Architectural Buildings To Visit While In Chicago

Best Architectural Buildings To Visit While In Chicago

Best Architectural Buildings To Visit While In Chicago

Chicago is a city that is known for several things such as being the windiest city in the nation, having the best hotdogs, its jazz music, or its view of Lake Michigan. One of the things that Chicago might not always get credit for is its architecture. Architecture is at the heart of what gives Chicago its essence and personality. It is what we imagine when we think of Chicago.

Here are some of Chicago’s must-see architecture!

Rookery Building

The Rookery Building is known for its magnificent stairs that have the most delicate and elaborate details. This building is known for its interior walls and lamps that have a Victorian feel to it. The experience of being inside this building is extremely pleasant. The building has an elegant and modern feeling that leaves you feeling inspired.


Marina City

“Marina City” is one of those buildings that you love to see. You can distinguish it from all the other buildings for its unique form, shape, design, and location. This building is a parking lot of it’s nonetheless a very interesting one. During the winter season, it is decorated with the most colorful and bright lights which you can see miles away.

Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.

This building is a very elegant building that has details that feel gothic and victorian. The building is all one color and has revolving doors that are covered with small designs. The details of this building resemble those of a cathedral. 

Chicago Cultural Center

The Chicago Cultural Center is the perfect place to visit when you want to get a taste of what Chicago’s culture is all about. The building itself is super interesting and has several components to it. You will be able to admire the world’s largest Tiffany dome and is inside this cultural center. You will also see several art exhibitions from Chicago’s finest artists.


Aqua Tower

“Aqua Tower” is a unique building that has a shape you will not see anywhere else in the city. This building was built to replicate the essence of water. The architect that design this tower had the intention of replicating the motion of water. This is why it is called “Aqua Tower” because it is supposed to give off the feeling of water.

Tribune Tower

The “Tribune Tower” is one of those buildings that give off a very professional and city work-life vibe. This building is located on the Magnificent Mile which is the busiest street in all of Chicago. This is where newspapers and magazines get printed and written. The building itself represents accomplishment and the world of writing.

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Crown Hall Building

“Crown Hall Building” is a very modern building that has a minimalistic style of architecture. The walls of this building are made of glass but the shape of the building is built with the finest concept of what a stable building should look like.

Jeweler’s Crown Building

“Jeweler’s Crown Building” is a building that is unique in the sense that the top of it is meant to look like a crown. You can admire this building for having a crown on it. You can have access to the top of this building by consulting someone about it.

As you can see Chicago is a city filled with hidden treasures that you must know exist so that you can make the most out of your time here. Know that there is never a reason to be bored when you are in Chicago because there is definitely a list of things you can do. May your travels be better, more adventurous, exciting, and fulfilling!


Chicago is home to the best architecture in the world, that you can appreciate better in person. Hope these building sparked some inspiration for your next travels!

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