10 Must-Have Apps For One-Night Stands


Sometimes we’re not looking for a relationship, rather we want something casual, or even a one-night stand – and that’s totally ok! We’re here to help you in your quest: we put together what we think are the best apps for one-night stands that you totally need to download. Now!


Two words: DNA match. Like bruh?! This is the ultimate compatibility dating – or hook up – app. You sign up, they send you a kit and within the comfort of your own house you take a mouth swab sample and send it back. They analyze your DNA and match you with potential partners based on their genetic findings. And if this wasn’t already enough, they also analyze your social media and interests to find your perfect match. It’s science, people!

Stud Or Dud

We all have that paranoid friend who freaks out at the thought of dating apps because “what if they’re a criminal!!!” – or maybe, we’re that friend. Well, luckily, some people worked hard to solve our issues and came up with Stud Or Dud. This app gives you access to relevant data about your potential partners. Do they have a job? Are they married? Did they go to court for any reason? With Stud or Dud, you’ll know right away.


Tonight goes out to all the lazy couch potatoes out there. All you have to do is to say by 6 pm if you’re down to go out that day, and the app will do the rest. It will set you up with a date based on how compatible the two of you are and will also pick a place to meet. It’s as easy as it sounds.


If you’re a strong independent woman who isn’t afraid of making the first move, Bumble is the app for you. It doesn’t have any special features per se, but the innovation here is that women are the only ones who can text first after matching with someone. Also, the clock is ticking: once you create a connection, you have 24 hours to text them, or the match will disappear.


Veat looks at your best pictures and screams a huge “NO!”. Not literally, but figuratively. Instead of pictures, every user has to upload a 7-second video and based on what you see and hear you can do your own assessment on the person. If you’re picky and skeptical about the tone of voice and the actual appearance of your potential hook up, this is the one-night stand app for you.


As the name clearly suggests, this is a women-only app. Among the apps for one-night stands, this is the one that only targets lesbian and queer women. All the accounts are verified, so there’s no catfish fear either. And it has a community feature too, where you can find news about the lesbian and queer world!


The ultimate I’m-going-on-holiday-I-need-a-local-hook-up app. With its Teleport feature, Tingle lets you discover local profiles that are located in the place you’re about to visit before you actually get there. Basically, you can do your research well in advance. It also has a Radar feature, where you get a notification when you’re close to someone who might be a match for you. With Tingle you can’t miss out, that’s for sure.


The creators at Klique know what’s up in the dating-someone-new world. Surely, when they thought about Klique they knew we seek our friends’ approval before going out on a first date with someone. In fact, on Klique, you can invite your friends – who have to be registered on the app, though – to join the conversation between you and your match. It can either become a group date or simply be a way for your friends to help you decide on someone you’re unsure about!

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If you didn’t find the courage to talk to that cute guy or girl you saw at the cafe before they left, Happn can help you make things right. It shows you the people you crossed path with together with the number of times it happened, the place and the time. Happn really, really wants to give you a second chance!


Ah, the ol’ good buddy. Tinder will always be on our chart of the best apps for one-night stands, and dating too. If any app fails you, Tinder will always have your back!

Which one do you think is the best among our favorite apps for one-night stands? Let us know!


Featured Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/pzwHKEb5O20