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The 7 Best Apps For College Students To Make Life Easier

The 7 Best Apps For College Students To Make Life Easier

College life can be hard enough, but using the right apps are a perfect way to make it more manageable. Amid all the madness, I’ve found the seven apps that will make your life easier. These are the best apps for college students!

When I started college, I was ushered into a world of chaotic schedules and impossible multi-tasking. Juggling finances, a social life, and academics is a struggle in of itself: studying all day, going out at night, and somehow still being able to afford groceries seems out of the question. College life can be hard enough, but using the right apps are a perfect way to make it more manageable. Amid all the madness, I’ve found the seven apps that will make your life easier. Here are the 7 best apps for college students to make life easier

1. Google Calendar

College can get hectic and you’ll find yourself committing to things months or weeks in advance. Having one place to consolidate all of your plans can make your life feel on track and organized (even though I can promise you it’s not). But who doesn’t love the illusion of productivity? With Google Calendar, you can include time and place and sync other calendars into it. 

2. Find Friends

Find Friends is the best way to keep track of your drunk friends at 2 am. At college your friends become your family, and it is relieving to know they got home after their insane night out. Also, it lets you know where to go for the pregame before you go out. 


3. SelfControl

This is a computer app, not a phone app, but I promise it will save you during finals week. You can block any website you want for any period of time you want. No matter what you do, you can’t access the websites, so say goodbye to Facebook, Twitter, and any other black hole of a site.

4. Quizlet

Studying on the go has never been so easy. Quizlet is great for memorizing terms, diagrams, and pictures/paintings. This flashcard app turns studying into a game, and will drill those terms into your head no matter how reluctant you are to study.

5. Mint

Mint is awesome for keeping track of your finances. At the end of every week, they send you an email to visually show you where your money went that week. It’s extremely useful for knowing how to use your money and helping you adopt better spending habits making it one of the best apps for college students!


6. Venmo

Venmo is my lifesaver every night out. Forgot to bring cash for cover? Just venmo your friend. Ordering pizza? Venmo. Splitting gas for a road trip? VENMO. Do you get the gist? Venmo makes paying your friends back incredibly easy.

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If you're getting ready to apply for colleges, check out this list of why going to college in NYC is the best! You may just want to apply to college there!


7. Canvas/Blackboard

Universities and colleges use academic websites like Canvas or Blackboard, and having the app on your phone makes life easy. When getting the dreaded “Your assignment has been graded” email, it is super convenient to just have to go on the app and check your grade there. You can also see announcements, assignments, files, and anything else you might need. 

Using these apps are a good first step toward getting a handle on your busy life. College can be tough, so why not let technology make it easier?


Do you think these are the best apps for college students? Let us know down below!

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