10 Best Apple Macbook Accessories To Buy In 2019

Apple MacBook accessories are your gifts to your laptop for helping you get through school, work, and life. We carry our laptops with us to coffee shops, libraries, and pretty much anywhere we want some time away from the world. As a person who enjoys writing I am on my laptop all during weekdays whether it’s to work on some poems or articles, I am thankful for my laptop.
I do not know about you but I love to pay attention to detail. Whether someone is wearing a cool t-shirt, made a drawing, or has done their makeup nicely, I like to appreciate the good in others. I had purchased a case for my MacBook Air that people ended up loving. No literally people would tell me how cute or pretty my laptop case of which I was extremely flattered. I chose a laptop case that was an interesting design the depicted nature with flowers, a deer and swirls. It simply a design you would not see more than once.
What I love about fashion or design is that it allows you to express yourself by showing the world what your tastes are. Expression does not only have to be through clothes but with small things too. Something like a pencil case, nail polish or Apple MacBook Accessories. What is cool about technology that it changes every year so it gives you something to look forward to.
Here are a list of 10 Apple MacBook Accessories to buy this 2019.
1. 6-in-1 USB Hub
If you are a person who simply charges a lot of things or simply have friends that need to charge things than this USB Hub will definitely come in handy.
2. Fun keyboard covers.
Keyboard covers can be really fun when you have a variety to choose from. You can pick and choose which one best represents your personality. One of the more artsy keyboard covers are those with drawings on them. It really does make for a good visual impression.
3. Apple Kors Message sleeve purse
Michael Kors has there own selection of Apple products that can really bring out your inner fashionista. Micheal Kors has a leather messenger bag that will make you feel ready to go to work.
4. Apple Stickers
You can not have an Apple MacBook without apple stickers. The decoration itself is very thoughtful, whimsical , and funny. Something as small as an Apple sticker can brighten up you day. Some of these Apple stickers are super creative and are guaranteed to have you wanting to buy more than one.
5. Laptop sleeve.
While you are traveling it is important to keep your laptop somewhere it is safe. I think that the laptops with a zipper are better than those with just a magnet keeping it close.
6. RAV Power Charger
If you are on the go constantly you will know how important a charger is. If have both an Apple iPhone and a MacBook it can get troublesome carrying around so many chargers. But no need for that any more. The RAV Power charger will allow you to have all in one. This laptop charger will allow you to charger your IPhone, laptop, and all while having room to connect your USBs.
7. Apple Magic Mouse 2
If you simply work better with a mouse instead of a mouse on a laptop then this wireless mouse will help out. This mouse is wireless so that it makes it very comfortable to use in an office setting or a home.
8. A writer’s life.
Complete your writer set with this MacBook Air leather case. The leather on this laptop case looks very sophisticated and chic. If you have a leather laptop case it shows that you care about your work and laptop.
9. AirPods
Wireless earbuds are the most useful invention in the last recent years. Apple as their own wireless earbuds called AirPods that are perfect for when you are working out or simply moving around while listening to something on your laptop. It has happened to me that I have stood up while listening to something on my laptop with my regular headphones and dropped my laptop by accident. Not a pleasant experience.
10. Thunderbolt 3 cable
This cable is perfect for transferring data from one laptop to another. It is a very efficient and good quality product.