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10 Benefits of Working From Home

10 Benefits of Working From Home

Having the option to work from home should make you smile and bring you satisfaction. There are just so many perks to enjoy when you work from home. 

1. No Commute

This means you save time, money, and gas. You don’t have to wake up early to get ready to sit in traffic to eventually get to work. It’s great! This is probably one of the best perks of working from home. I work from home and can sleep in an extra 2 hours. If that didn’t make you say wow you just don’t understand what an additional 2 hours feel like. With traffic, I don’t know if it’s worse in the morning because drivers are half-sleep or in the evening when everyone is rushing to get home. I find traffic to be very stressful and sometimes even depressing.  It stinks to be so mentally exhausted and stressed from traffic and then having to go to work. To not have to deal with any of that is just amazing like a load has been lifted off my shoulders. Another benefit of working from home is that I save so much money on gas. I used to have to fill up my tank every other day. Now I fill up once. It’s a huge difference and has saved me so much money and I love to save money.


2. Comfy Clothes

You don’t have to worry about wearing office formal attire and staying within the office’s dress code. You’re the boss. You can wear what you want and don’t want to and nobody will say anything about it. I am always one to be pro to less stress. If I chose to, I can stay in my pajamas all day and work from home. I would rather wear pajamas and work than my office attire anytime.

3. You Set the Environment

You decide if you want the lights on or use the natural light from the window blinds. You decide if you work in a chair or from your couch. You pick the room you want to work from. You are calling the shots now. No more sitting next to co-workers that makes everything inside you cringe. No more uncomfortable office chairs.


4. No Office Staff Distractions

They say, “you can’t choose your family,” sadly, for most of us, the same is true for co-workers. I used to work in the office and the cubicles were very close. So sometimes the colleague near me would ask me a question while I was busy on a phone call with a client and it would throw me off. I would lose focus on my call while trying to inform them that I was on the phone and unable to assist them at that moment. Working from home that never happens. I communicate with the office through IMs, emails, and in rare cases a phone call. This does not distract me at all. I remember sometimes in the office some of my colleagues spoke very loudly. It would affect my phone calls because the person who I was on the phone with would hear my colleague and myself speaking at the same time and would be unable to focus on me. There wasn’t a way to turn down the volume of my co-workers so I just dealt with it. Thankfully, working from home gives me control of my environment and allows me to be alone and surrounded by peace and quiet.

5. Eat Healthier

At the office, I work at they have vending machines, cafeteria food, and various food vendors that come and sell food. The food is far from healthy, it’s either burgers, tacos, or enchiladas, you get the idea. I find that it’s easier to cook your own meals when working from home. You can decide what health option you are going to make. A benefit of making your meals at home and working from home is that you don’t have to worry about those in the office stealing your food. This is so unfortunate but some offices do have lunch thieves. Thankfully, for you, this is no longer a concern.


6. No Obligation to Socialize

I guess I am an introvert because this is definitely a benefit to working from home. I no longer have to rush to and from the break to avoid having awkwardly forced conversations with fellow co-workers. No longer do I have to walk the halls avoiding eye contact or giving that fake awkward smile. I am in the comfort of my home away from everyone. If I want to talk, it’s my choice to pick up and make the call.


7. Save Time

Your mornings don’t have to be rushed to get to work on time. You will save time by spending little to no hours getting ready. You don’t have to try to find the perfect outfit for the day. You don’t have to spend time packing your lunch.

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8. Less Stress

You don’t have stress from traffic, your manager, or any office conflicts. If you have that micro-managing manager, you no longer have to worry about them standing over you watching you work. You can finally work in peace. You don’t have to stress about that drive to work. That load of stress has been lifted off of you.

9. Work/Life Balance

When you work from home you have more time for yourself. More time to rest, workout, or watch television. This is a perfect balance, a little bit of work mixed with a little bit of personal time.


10. More Time with Loved Ones

I had to save the best reason to work from home for last. Being home with your loved ones is great. When you take a break from work you can talk and hang out with your loved ones for a while. Quality time with your loved ones is so important. This will recharge you and is a great way to reset your mind from work. Since you will be less stressed and have more energy you can do more with your loved ones.


Do you work from home? Comment below on your experiences.

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