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Being Single Doesn’t Mean You’re Lonely. Here’s Why

Being Single Doesn’t Mean You’re Lonely. Here’s Why

I know a good amount of people who are in relationships where they feel lonely and therefore should be single! So, I will never understand for the life of me why people automatically assume that being single means you are lonely.

There’s always an extremely negative stigma placed on single people. And that is that if you are single, you must be lonely. People ceaselessly equate singleness with loneliness. Here’s a well-kept secret though, that will send major shockwaves through the brains of people who think like this, you can in-fact be single and be immensely happy being so! I know a good amount of people who are in relationships where they feel lonely and therefore should be single! So, I will never understand for the life of me why people automatically assume that being single means you are lonely.

Get to know yourself

Being single can be a tremendously great thing for a number of reasons. A few of those reasons are, it gives you time to get to truly know yourself, date however many people you want without any attachments and leave your clothes all over your bedroom floor without someone nagging the fuck out of you to pick them up. These are all divine perks of the single life!

Quiet nights

Single people also tend to truly enjoy being in their own company. Having those quiet nights at home with a nice bottle of red to sip on, is the definition of true bliss. Not that those moments aren’t enjoyable for couples as well but, there is something completely serene about being by yourself while your chaotic mind de-stresses.


I am a single woman and let me tell you, I do not feel lonely at all. Sure, there are moments where I wish I had a companion, like when I’m swiping my credit card for my $120 Sephora purchase, but other than that, I am completely content being single. I’m never going to be with someone just to not look lonely and take cute pics with to post on Instagram. That’s one, extremely sad and two, the relationship would more than likely end disastrously.

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So no, being single does not mean you are lonely and please don’t let any pea-brained fool tell you nor make you feel otherwise!

What do you think about being single? Let us know in the comments below!
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