10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At CSU Northridge

Being a student at CSU Northridge has it’s ups and downs, just like any university. Sometimes the best way to make it through is to use GIFs to express your emotions. So sit back, relax and enjoy these ten hilarious and a little too accurate GIFs.
1.The last minute cram session
Between going to class, finding parking, walking across the huge campus, keeping up with homework assignments and a part time job, sometimes the only chance you have to study for a big test is the night before. Last minute cram sessions fueled by coffee and smoothies are pretty much the norm at CSU Northridge. Do you relate to this GIF of being a student at CSU Northridge?
2.Walking to class in the hot weather
Every CSUN student deals with it every year: the ridiculously hot weather in the valley. It’s basically summer year-around, which may sound grand, but to CSU Northridge students, it means showing up to class with your makeup sweating down your face.
3.Wearing summer outfits in January
At CSUN, it’s not uncommon to have 80 degree weather in January. Due to the warm weather, most students will be rocking shorts and flip flops at the start of the new year. Do you relate to this GIF of being a student at CSU Northridge?
4.Getting up early for morning classes
For those many students who stay up late to study or get homework done, early morning classes can be hard to wake up for. Thankfully there’s a Starbucks near campus as well as many Freudian Sip coffee shops spread out around campus to help give you an extra boost before class.
5.Stressing over signing up for classes
Everyone at CSUN knows the school is over crowded, so being able to get into classes you need to graduate can sometimes be problematic. Unless you are a graduating senior and have priority registration, you’re basically stressing during the entire registration period until your registration time finally arrives. Do you relate to this GIF of being a student at CSU Northridge?
6.Everything is due at once
You know that time of the semester. The last few weeks before break, all research papers, presentations and projects are due, all around the same time. So basically you have to cut out your entire social life to get everything done on time. Oh, and stress levels are maxed out big time.
7.Some professors take forever to grade assignments
When it comes to the end of the semester, your grade is going to be a big surprise! Why? Because some professors take forever to grade assignments. They take so long, you have no idea how you are doing in the class until the end of the semester when it’s too late to change your grade. Do you relate to this GIF of being a student at CSU Northridge?
8.Finding parking off-campus
If you’re one of those students who refuses to pay a fortune to park on campus during the semester, you’ve probably found places to park off-campus such as on Zelzah or White Oak. Sure, it makes the walk to class in the heat a bit longer and you have to parallel park, but it will save you a few hundred bucks a year.
9.That feeling you get once your grades are finally posted
It always seems to take forever for grades to be posted on Moodle at the end of every semester, so you keep checking every day until they finally are. Slowly, class by class, the grades are posted, and you rejoice knowing that you passed your classes. Do you relate to this GIF of being a student at CSU Northridge?
10.Spending all your money at the farmer’s market every week
The on-campus farmer’s market held every Tuesday is the highlight of the week for many students, but it’s easy to spend way too much on all of that good food. Lobster tacos, anyone?