College Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Ashford University Online

Sometimes words are not enough to explain uni life, especially when it is based online. Here are 10 GIFs that provide the perfect visual of what it’s like to being a student at Ashford University.

1. When you have to write and post an introduction at the beginning of every new course as a way of getting to know your peers.

Being an Ashford Student is different because you don’t get to meet everyone in person. As a way of filling that void and laying down a solid foundation of acquaintances, it’s necessary to introduce yourself as best as you can. This even goes for classes in which you have worked with 90% of your peers before which means that you keep relearning the same things about one another. It’s interesting when you come across someone new!

2. When you buckle down to study but immediately pack it in because the opportunity to do something more fun has presented itself.

You know that studying is crucial for college success. You try your hardest to be responsible and do what needs to be done. Then all of a sudden you are sideswiped with the chance to cut lose and have some fun. And it’s easy to just close a book and laptop. How could you possibly say no? It’s all good! Your work will be there when you get back. Waiting. This is another one of the hilarious GIF’s of being a student at Ashford University.

3. That instance when you find out that there is no such thing as ‘summer break’.

It took a minute to let that one sink in.  All of your friends and family in traditional colleges get summer breaks. So it was a bit of a shock when you found out that while they are uni-free for a couple of months you still have to keep chugging along. Don’t worry, you’ll get a break at some point! But your summers will always consist of both the beach and the books.

4. When you ace a quiz on the first try.

Not all, but most quizzes allow you the opportunity to take them more than once. This is the perfect chance to better your score. But what if it lowers your grade instead and that’s what you’re stuck with? It’s like playing Russian Roulette! When you ace a test on the first go you can’t help but relish your stroke of genius.


5. How you react when your annual, two-week winter break finally rolls around.

YES! You may not have a summer break but those two weeks off during the winter are everything! You can finally remember what it felt like before you enrolled in college and gained student responsibilities.

6. When winter break ends and you have to student again. 

Those two weeks fly by all too quickly. But they last just long enough for the ‘I don’t wannas’ to set in, making it hard to accept when classes are back in session.

7. How you imagine your instructor when they pop in on a discussion thread between you and your peer. 

You know that they are there to teach. And you know that even though there are numerous postings and threads, they are reading everything you write. But sometimes you forget that instructors are around until they chime in right in the middle of a discussion. This goes especially for those instructors that don’t often say much.

See Also

8. When you are waiting for the final grade of your most recent course to be posted.

What’s done is done. You’ve moved on to your next course and away from the last. But you’ve just gotta know…did you pass? Did you fail? Either way, by how much? Waiting for your final grade to be posted can be agonizing. This is yet another GIF of being a student at Ashford University.

9. How it feels when you experience technical difficulties.

Online school means digital classrooms. There is nothing worse than having to go through the motions of technical difficulties when you have multiple chapters to read and assignments to complete. Tech support works things out rather quickly, but you still have to hang in limbo for a while.

10. After you and your peers finish one of the most difficult courses yet. 

Each person has their strengths and weaknesses but there is that one course that stumps just about everyone. You struggle through discussions. You struggle through assignments. You watch your peers struggle right along with you. When it’s all over, there is no doubt that you’ve learned a lot and you are not only proud of yourself but the rest of the class for surviving. This is yet another one of the GIF’s that remind everyone of being a student at Ashford University.

Which of these GIFs remind you of being a student at Ashford University? Let us know in the comments.

Featured Image: weheartit
Kathryn McClure

Hey, there! My name is Kathryn. I am a full-time online student with Ashford University. In my senior year, I’m working hard to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass a Communication. I am also the SAHM of three wild and crazy kids which means that my life never has a dull moment! I love writing about anything as long as they are pieces that can inform or make someone smile. Thanks for reading!

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