Being an introvert is not a bad thing, though there are ideas about people who are introverts, doesn’t make them true. An introvert should not be defined by society as a bad, negative characteristic, but a choice that someone makes because they feel comfortable with being by themselves.
Before you judge someone, you first have to understand that, a person who is an introvert, is not born that way. They don’t just come out of the womb with an introvert label on their forehead.
It happens overtime, it could start from a early age, it could because of environmental setting, background, a numerous of things, so don’t be so quick to judge.
When you become so quick to judge a person, you exclude them from ever getting a chance to show you who they truly are.
The hardest place to be at that has a highly populated social environment, is schools. Schools have a melting pot of kids who come from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and yet in still, being given the chance to learn from each other, learning why some kids are different they get picked on.
Being an introvert in a setting that doesn’t take time to teach and advise kids the proper way to treat people in general is something that should be changed across the country. The major effects that it could have on kids especially from the age of 6 years old can be fundamental.
The weirdest kids are the ones who don’t know how to interact socially with others. Though it might take bit more work to get them comfortable, once they are cool to be around.
I’ve experience it first hand, because I am introvert but not to the T, people seemingly find a way to always interact with me, even when I don’t want to be bothered. But typically people don’t get that when you are persistent that in getting to be comfortable, your intentions have to be good.
There are too many instances where people are gaining the trust of those that are uncomfortable socially and making them the butt of their jokes to express their friends and people.
The most memeorable and impactful gesture you can give them to let them know that you truly care is allow them to see that you are truly a loving,caring individual. Allow them to see it for yourself,when you think they are not watching, or when just by having a genuine heart.
People know when someone is being genuine and sincere, it’s not forced, they’re not showey about what they do for others, becasuse they don’t care what others have to say. It’s called being Selfless.
You know the saying lead by example, and others will follow, well that should be your number one goal if nothing else. Lead others to do good, to change in a positive manner, and watch your efforts not go to waste.
I’m telling you people will admire you, and ask you what’s the reason, and they may not understnad it right then, but trust me, it will stick with them, and later on they will look back at that moment and think wow, that really changed that persons’ life.
A smile day makes the people around you, days go a little better. Give a smile, leave a smile, even if you don’t get one, or get one in return, it’s the imprint that you leave on that person that makes the difference.
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