Categories: Fitness

10 Beginner Yoga Poses To Help You Unwind

Sometimes the world can feel a little too busy. At some point in your life you’ve probably felt anxious, and stressed – which is normal. During these times it’s important to set aside a moment for yourself. Here are 10 beginner yoga poses that will help you counteract the stress of daily life.

1. Sun Salutation

Sun salutation is a sequences of linked yoga postures, with a corresponding breath pattern. It will strengthen, and stretch your muscles, while providing some much needed relaxation. If you’re not into traditional meditation, this could be a great way for you to unwind.

2. Yoga for Back Pain

If you’ve been hunched over a computer all day, then chances are you’ve developed some back pain. Clearly, readjusting your daily posture can be a hard habit to break. Beginner yoga poses such as, child’s pose, downward dog, cobra, and cat-cow pose, will work to relieve back  pain.

3. Yoga for Better Sleep

The best way to combat stress, and anxiety is a proper sleep schedule. As we all know, sometimes that’s easier said than done. Certain beginner yoga poses can help you make the most out of the hours you do get. Knee-to-chest, upward dog, and supine twist will relax your body. Focus on your breathing while holding these postures.

4. Yoga to Ease Your Anxiety

We all go through phases where we feel anxious – college, and work only contribute to that. Taking time for yourself is critical, because no human can work all day, everyday. A seated forward bend, and child’s pose can help decrease migraines, and anxiety.

5. Easy Pose

In terms of beginner yoga poses, what could be easier than the easy pose? This is a simple way to start your morning in a calming manner. Sit on the floor, or even in bed, and cross your legs in a comfortable position. Hold this posture for as long as you wish. Don’t forget to pay close attention to your breathing.

6. Tree Pose

This a great posture to focus, and find your balance. Tree pose opens up your hips, and shoulders, while strengthening your ankles. You can start by placing your foot on your calf, until you feel comfortable moving upwards.

7. Forward Fold

This posture can actually help you if you’re having an anxiety attack. Exhale as you fold down, and try to place your hands on the ground – don’t overextend if it’s uncomfortable. It will calm your mind, and cool your body down.

See Also

8. Triangle Pose

Triangle pose, or Trikonasana, will help alleviate any lower back pain. It works to stimulate blood flow, and therefore reduces blood pressure.

9. Warrior Pose I

This pose can help you find  balance, and stimulate circulation. If you’re lacking the feeling of being grounded, then all three warrior poses can help. In finding your balance, you will also begin to feel more focused.

10. Corpse Pose

This is a great way to end your flow. Lay down on a comfortable surface, and place your palms up to the ceiling. Starting from your toes, begin to release any pent up tension within your body. Picture a scanner gliding over you. Once it passes an area, it releases any tension, leaving your body completely still.

When you feel yourself becoming stressed, or overworked it’s important to take certain precautions to alleviate the tension. The issues we ignore, or bury within ourselves, will always find a way to emerge. Certain anxieties are somewhat unavoidable, but there are practices that can help. Yoga is a great way to calm your mind – the word is actually Sanskrit for “union.” Combining the postures with mediation, and focused breathing, can deliver some impressed results.

Have you ever tried yoga to alleviate stress? Comment down below!

Featured image source:
Amy Dadamo

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