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10 Bedroom Door Decoration Ideas For Your Dorm

There’s nothing more annoying in college than having a dorm room with zero personality. Since not every dorm room has suite-style accommodations, sometimes we have to make due with what we’ve got. One of the best ways to add a bit of style to your typical dorm room, simple bedroom door decoration ideas liven the place up a bit. The decked out doors in your freshman hallway were always the rooms you wanted to peak your head into. Here are some bedroom door decoration ideas that aren’t so intense and go great with these cute DIY dorm decor ideas.

1. Black And White Graphic Door

If you love this black and white decor idea, check out how Jessica Kaminski completed the look.

2. Floral Monogram

Instead of a typical wreath decoration, use chicken wire, floral foam and fake flowers to create a cute wall hanging in your initials. Daisy Mae Belle has the perfect tutorial if you opt for this door decoration.

3. Photo Montage Door Decor

Use photos with the same color-palette so your door looks neat and themed. You can even choose photos of friends, but if you’re feeling super creative, show off one of your hobbies.

4. Nail Head Trimmed Door

If you get permission, all it takes are a few trimmed nails and a hammer to achieve this simple yet chic bedroom door look. Upholstery nails make a simple door look polished and elegant.

5. Chalkboard Painted Door

Paint your door with a few coats of chalkboard paint and you are good to go. This bedroom door decoration idea is simple and looks cool. You can have friends sign your door, draw out a monthly calendar or put up any fun quotes you’re into.

6. Wallpaper Door

This idea is yet another simple way of upgrading your boring bedroom door. Pick out a stick on wallpaper you like and just paste it to the wall. Sounds easy enough!

7. Photo Framed Door

Rather than putting photographs on the door, try framing your door with photographs. It’s a unique approach to emphasizing a cool bedroom door.

See Also

8. Patterned Brass Studded Wall

Instead of tracing the lining of your door like the nail trimmed door decor idea, use brass upholstery nails to create a cool design. The gold is a nice switch up and the geometric design is a lot edgier than the elegant nail trimmed door. Check out Martha Stewart’s tutorial to master the look.

9. Garland Door

Take a garland and hang it on the outside of your door frame. This is a cute idea when you want to make your door more festive for a season!

10. Removable Sticker Door

Pretty simple concept and very cute!

Know of any other bedroom door decoration ideas you could use for your dorm?! Drop us a line!!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!

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