
How to Buy Makeup on a Budget

Every girl wants to be able to buy high quality makeup, but it can be…

Splurge vs. Steal: 20 Amazing Drugstore Makeup Dupes

After I started my first part time job, instead of saving my minuscule paychecks like I…

10 Reasons You Should Get a Tattoo

Let’s get one thing clear: tattoos are a huge commitment. They’re expensive, and for the…

15 Life-Changing Beauty Hacks

1. Turn eyeshadow into lip gloss If you ever have any spare eyeshadows that you…

5 Makeup Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

1. You’re playing up too many features. You tried to mix too many bold and dramatic…

5 Five-Minute Hairstyles for Busy Mornings

We all know that doing your hair the same way every day starts to get…

Brave the Wind With These 7 Indestructible Hairstyles

As we enter the cold, blistery winter months, our inner fashionistas are overwhelmed with confusion.…

Winter Hair Colors To Try Right Now

Now that fall is over and winter is here, many people are dying their hair…

A Guide to Makeup for the Natural Look

When it comes to makeup, sometimes the natural look makes the biggest statement. Neutral toned makeup…

I Tried 5 Different Mascara Brands & Here’s the Verdict

Whether you’re a glamorous makeup enthusiast, or you’re totally confused when it comes to contouring…