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10 Beauty Recipes You Can Make Yourself

10 Beauty Recipes You Can Make Yourself

10 Beauty Recipes You Can Make Yourself

These DIY beauty recipes will change your life! Whether you’re looking to spend less money on quality beauty products, you enjoy DIYs, or you’re looking to cut plastics out of your life, these beauty recipes will help you on your journey!

1. Eyeliner and Mascara

It might be surprising that you can make your own eyeliner and mascara, but it is totally possible and totally cheap!

-1 tbsp activated charcoal
-1/2 tsp shea butter
-1tsp bentonite clay
-2-3 drops oil, eg. sweet almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil


Use a mortar and pestle to mash together the ingredients.

To use, grab a liner brush and dip it in water. Dip into the powder, tap off the excess, and line as usual. Run your mascara wand under water, roll in the powder, tap off the excess, and brush on your lashes. Remember to curl your lashes after you apply this mascara!

2. Herbal Hair Rinse

Hair rinses can replace shampoo and are great for strengthening hair! You can make a rinse out of many varieties of herbs, but this one is my absolute favourite!


-2-3 tbsp dried lavender
-2-3 tbsp dried mint leaves
-2 cups purified water

Bring the water to a boil and pour over the herbs. Steep for 30 minutes to 8 hours. Pour over hair after shampooing and rinse out or leave in.

3. Makeup Remover

For an easy and cheap makeup remover that moisturizes as well as cleanses, look no further than aloe vera gel and avocado oil. Avocado oil contains vitamin E and A, both of which are great for skin. Aloe vera also contains vitamin E as well as vitamin C and salicylic acid. Mix a 1:1 ratio of aloe gel and avocado oil. Massage over your face in circles to remove your makeup!


4. Oatmeal Face Mask

Who doesn’t love a good face mask? Try out this oatmeal mask to help with dry skin!

-1/2 cup hot water
-1/3 cup oatmeal
-2 tbsp plain yogurt
-2 tbsp raw honey
-egg white from 1 small egg

Combine hot water with oatmeal. Let sit for 2 or 3 minutes, then mix in plain yogurt, raw honey, and egg white. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face, and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.


5. Shower Steamer

Love bath bombs but don’t have time for tons of baths? Recreate that relaxing feeling of a bath bomb with a shower steamer!

-2 cups baking soda
-1 cup citric acid
-Witch hazel
-Essential oils (try a citrus blend for an energizing steamer or a lavender-mint blend for a relaxing one)
-silicone moulds

Mix baking soda and citric acid well. Toss in the essential oils and combine. Spritz with witch hazel to help it combine – don’t add too much.


Press into the silicone moulds, packing it down. Let sit for a few hours or overnight until they’re dry.

Place in your shower out of the direct stream of water to allow it to steam and release those lovely essential oils!

6. Whipped Body Butter

Want to pamper yourself and feel extra fancy? Make a batch of this whipped body butter! Body butter is thicker than lotion as it contains less water and it’s extra moisturizing, meaning it can soften up really dry spots like knees and elbows!


-1/2 cup shea butter
-1/2 cup cocoa butter
-1/2 cup coconut oil
-1/2 cup light oil (like almond, jojoba, or olive)
-optional: 10-30 drops essential oils

Using a double boiler or glass bowl over boiling water, combine all of the ingredients except the essential oils.

Let sit on medium heat and stir frequently until all ingredients are melted. This should not take long.


Remove from heat and let cool a little. Add essential oils if using.

Let cool in the fridge for about an hour or until it’s hardened a bit around the edges but still overall soft.

Using a hand mixer, whip until fluffy, about 10 minutes.


Let set in fridge for 10-15 minutes.

Transfer to a jar. Depending on the temperature you like to keep your house at, you may need to store this in the fridge as it might melt if kept above 24 C or 75 F.

7. Honey Soap

If you love cute cosmetics, this DIY is for you! This honey soap not only smells like honey, it looks like it too!


-1/3 lb glycerin melt-and-pour soap base
-1 oz honey
-circular soap mould
-bubble wrap

Chop the glycerin into cubes, place in a microwave safe bowl, and microwave in 30-second increments until fully melted.

Measure out your honey and pour into the glycerin. Mix well.


Pour into your soap moulds. Cut the bubble wrap so that it fits into your mould and press it bubble side down on top of your soap. This will give the honeycomb look! For extra fanciness, you could try putting bubble wrap at the bottom of your mould (bubble side up) so that the honeycomb pattern is on both sides.

Let harden overnight. Remove from the moulds and cut into a hexagon shape. You now have delicious smelling honeycomb soap!

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If you don’t want to use bubble wrap, you could try to find a soap mould in the shape of a honeycomb.

8. Blemish Treatment

We all get little zits from time to time. If you want to get rid of that zit and prevent more from showing up, use this blemish treatment trick!

-witch hazel
-tea tree oil
-orange oil
-10 ml roller bottle


Pour the witch hazel into the roller bottle.

Put in two drops each tea tree and orange oil for a 2% dilution and shake to mix. For a stronger solution, add more tea tree and orange oil, but before you go above a 2% dilution, make sure to do your research to make sure you’re not allergic. Don’t go above 5% if this is going on your face.

Apply a little bit to a zit once a day. With tea tree oil, less is more! Don’t go over once a day and don’t use too much!


Enjoy your clear skin!

9. Sugar Scrub

To achieve glowy, smooth, clear skin all over, you need to exfoliate! Treat yourself to perfect skin with this delightful sugar scrub!

-1 cup granulated sugar, either white or brown
-1/2 cup olive or avocado oil
-optional: essential oils
-1 small wide-mouth glass jar


Mix all ingredients together until completely combined.

Store in an airtight container.

To use, scrub skin well and rinse off. The olive or avocado oil will leave your skin feeling moisturized and the sugar will scrub away all of the dead skin!


10. Salt Hair Spray

This isn’t a regular hair spray in the sense that it will hold your hairstyle in place. A salt spray will add volume and texture to your hair and will give naturally wavy hair that extra push it needs to be curly!

-1 cup of hot water
-2 tbsp epsom salts
-1/2 tsp Himalayan or Sea Salt
-1 tsp aloe vera gel
-optional: 1/2 tsp conditioner
-optional: a few drops of essential oils or a spritz of your favourite perfume for scent

Pour the hot water in a spray bottle. Add the epsom salts, Himalayan or Sea Salt, aloe gel, conditioner (if using), and essential oils (if using) and shake for 1-2 minutes or until the salts are completely dissolved.


To use, spray on dry hair and roots to add volume and texture.

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