Here’s The Reasons Why You Should Go To Ball State University

Deciding which place you’ll be calling home for the next four years is a huge decision. I was all over the place until my decision with Ball State stuck like superglue. These were the 5 reasons I decided to go to Ball State University!
1. The distance (from home)
I grew up with a path to higher education practically down the street from me. That was the place I had always thought that I wanted to go. But when it came to making a college decision, I turned my head away from that college completely. For me, it was the perfect distance from home because it was only an hour drive to come back, but it was far enough away to feel on my own.
2. The campus
Ball State has a beautiful suburban campus in a very close knit community. It’s the perfect fit for anyone who doesn’t quite fit in the city atmosphere. The university’s campus feels like its own little world.
3. Ball State’s teaching education program
As an elementary and special education major, finding a school with a really good education program was especially important to me. It is one of the best teaching colleges in Indiana.
4. Class sizes
Coming from a small high school, I knew I would be uncomfortable taking on a university with 100+ students in each class. The small class sizes with personalized instruction and a relationship to the professors drew me in from the start.
5. A decision for myself
A lot of people from my high school school were going to one of two schools. My friends were either going to the same college or one nearby. For once, I decided to make the decision that was best for me. Ball State ended up the perfect match for all my criteria. I was proud of my choice and that I decided all my own. Chirp chirp!
What reasons do you have for going to Ball State University!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit