10 Bags That You’ll Be Begging Yourself To Buy This Fall

You’re going to fall in love with these fall bags. Yes, using a pun is a corny way to start out an article about fashion, but I meant it in the most sincere way possible because these bags really are worthy of your love. From clutches to satchel bags I have searched the internet to find the top ten fall bags you will for sure need this autumn to keep you looking seasonal. If you’re looking for a fall bag that is perfect for going out, the first day of school or just running errands around town then look no further then this list!
1. Clutch
A clutch bag is perfect for going out or staying in. There are a lot of fall bags on this list that will help you stay organized this autumn, but a sparkly clutch purse is just for fun. Have some fun with your everyday style by carrying around away too fabulous clutch, it’ll add some glamour to your day.
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2. Crossbody
Crossbody fall bags are what you should be wearing this autumn. These fall bags can go from day to night and look great with every outfit you own. Buy them in a variety of fall colors that will compliment your already fantastic style. Not only are these bags super cute, but they are also impossible to lose track of because they are always hanging across your body and can’t fall off.
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3. Doctor’s Bag
Paging doctor fabulous, your fall bags are in and they are ready to hit the streets. A doctors bag is a more circular satchel that can add some much-needed pizazz to an otherwise boring look. If you have to wear a uniform or you’re just looking to spice things up then try out a doctor’s bag this fall and feel more fabulous then Merideth grey.
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4. Backpack
Backpacks aren’t just for school girls anymore, however, if you are in college then I highly recommend this look. Let’s face it, the weather is getting colder and soon we will be buddling up and doing our best to stay warm. If you have to carry your purse you’re going to be colder and more frustrated when you want to wear mittens or carry a thermos. A backpack will hold all of your belongings and keep you hands-free all autumn long. They also come in lots of stylish colors and brands so you don’t have to rate the back to school section at Walmart to achieve this look.
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5. Trapezoid Bag
Get a little creative with your fall bags and try a trapezoid bag! A trapezoid bag has all the functions of a large bag, but it has the flare of something more exciting. Have some fun with your fall bags and experient with the different colors and patterns that are available with the trapezoid bag. It can take your all-black outfit and make it pop!
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6. Envelope
You’ve got mail and it’s a letter from me saying you need to buy an envelope purse. This bag is so similar to the clutch bag, but it has a few little details that make it extra special. One, the design makes it stand out. Two, it’s larger than a clutch, so you can fit more into but still have a sleek looking style when you carry it. Three, it doesn’t have to only be used in the evening or to a fancy event. Envelope purses are perfect for those badass women who don’t need to haul stuff between workplaces, you have a desktop at home and in the office so all you need to bring is your cell phone and lip gloss. Fall bags may seem like they have to be large and in charge, but the envelope bag is the perfect mix between a large satchel (keep reading to find out more) and a small clutch.
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7. Evening Purse
Having a different purse for your evening events screams class and sophistication. In the summer this didn’t really matter, it was too hot to have to carry around any purse at all, but now it’s the fall and you can put more consideration into your evening look. An elegant or classy evening purse can make your work outfit seem fancier than it is and can completely change your look. Invest in an evening purse that is one color and has a timeless style about it, this way it will always match your outfit.
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8. Tote
Great for the environment and perfect for running errands. Tote bags may seem like they’re not very cute, and if you buy them from your local grocery store they will probably be horribly branded. However, if you look hard enough you can find some really cute tote bags that are perfect for the fall season. Tote bags are a great fall bag to have around in case you need to go to the gym, go grocery shopping or you’re just sleeping over at a friends house. Have some fun with the design of your tote bag this fall, it doesn’t have to match your outfit because you don’t use it all the time, so get creative.
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9. Mini bag
A mini bag is so cute and can be so handy. Although the bag itself is small, hence the name, you can actually fit a lot in it. Buying a smaller bag will also stop you from collecting trash throughout the day that you don’t need. Stop accepting flyers from people on the street and just throw your gum wrappers away already! Mini bags are also great fall bags because you can buy a bright pink or yellow one to remind you of hot summer days when it’s cold outside. Find a mini bag that expresses your summer style so that you can bring it into the fall season.
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10. Satchel
You can throw your textbooks, lip gloss, lunch, water bottle, your sisters favorite scarf your ‘borrowed’ and more inside a satchel bag, that is why it is the best fall bag on this list. Fall is the season where everything starts up again. Gone are the hot summer days that seemed to last forever, and now you are probably starting school or work again and you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. In the summer all you needed was your ID and some cash, you probably didn’t even carry around a purse, but now you have school work, makeup bags and hats in case it gets cold, so you’re going to need a bigger bag. Don’t go the trashy route and get a large duffle bag to chuck everything in, look neat and organized in a satchel bag. Satchel bags come in some beautiful fall colors such as brown, burgundy and orange. This bag will hide your messy life and make you appear to be organized and put together.
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Are you already piecing together your fall wardrobe and incorporating more than one of these fall bags? Because I know I am! Try mixing up your style this fall by using a new bag, experiment with your style and buy a bag that you normally wouldn’t, fall is the perfect season for new beginnings and fashion trends. What is your favorite fall bag? Comment below!
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A digital content producer who loves writing about all things pop-culture, fashion and of course food! Follow me on Instagram, @mackenzie_jaquish for updates on my newest articles.