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21 Awesome Things To Do On Your 21st Birthday

21 Awesome Things To Do On Your 21st Birthday

Your 21st birthday needs to be an absolute blast, that's for sure. With that in mind, here are the 21 best things to do on your 21st birthday!

As we all know, 21 is the legal drinking age in the U.S. and accordingly, the best way to celebrate a 21st birthday is always by buying your own drink for the first time! There’s nothing like showing your legal I.D. and saying “lemme gedda Woo Woo!” This makes the list of 21 awesome things to do on your 21st birthday, for sure, but there are others too…Lemme share some with ya!

Throw A Party

If you’re 21 now, don’t drink alone (or irresponsibly), throw a party on your 21st birthday and share the drinks! Have cake and celebrate too. Plus your friends will be glad to celebrate with you now that you’re able to get drinks…and I’m sure they were your friends before that too.

Go To The Beach

This one is for the summer babies. If your b-day is during that steaming hot weather season then a beach birthday is perfect for you. Set up some awesome to-dos for yourself a bunch of friends, like swimming, surfing, volleying, blanketing, snacking, and drinking. You’re 21st will be da bomb.


Dinner And A Movie

That feeling when you get carded in a restaurant and can actually show that you’re of age. You can order drinks with your dinner now! Yassss! Yeeeeeah! Oh the privileges you’ll have. Wine. A mixer. Or maybe a Sex On The Beach? Whatever you like, it’s your 21st birthday, and an awesome thing to do would be to have a great dinner, get tipsy, and go see a movie; with either your S.O. or a group of awesome friends that you can laugh with!

Beer And Rides

Did you know most theme parks serve beer? Did you know that on your 21st birthday you’re legally able to buy beer and drinks at theme parks? Now you do! Theme parks are an awesome way to spend a b-day and the beer is a sweet perk. Group it out with your friends. Get thrills. (And try not to vomit!)

Bar Hopping

Bar hopping is adrenalizing. Believe it or not I’ve only had the opportunity to do it once, and that’s not because I got messed up and couldn’t find my way home. You meet a lot of awesome people when you’re out bar hopping, so it’s a pretty awesome thing to do on your 21st Birthday. It’ll be a legit hit that you’ll definitely remember.


Night At A Pier

Are you looking for something more romantic and for two? Piers are a little less rowdy but still fun and all lit up? Try hitting up one of the many piers and boardwalks lined with entertainment and restaurants. One of the best things about turning 21 is you’re able to frequent those mature places you’ve been feeling too young to go to. Wine and dine yourself (or let your S.O. treat), and then go for a romantic walk on the boardwalk. This is a really awesome thing to do on your 21st birthday!

Wine And Dine At Home

You don’t always have to go out. Maybe you want your 21st to be more exclusive. You can have a small get together at home and it’ll definitely be special. Have a romantic at-home-dinner with your lover. Pop a few bottles. Go all out with champagne. Toast to the most. It’s your day.

Bottle Shopping Spree!

I bet you’ve never done this! Blow a ton of funds on a shopping spree for bottles! Definitely go with friends and make it a huge thing. Just please, don’t drink all of it at once. Do have a blast. Try a large wines & spirits shop and liven it up! Run up and down the aisles screaming you’re 21! Maybe you’ll get a discount!


Build A Bar

Similar to the prior, hit up a shop or large chain and stock up on bottles to build your own bar with. This is an awesome way to celebrate your ability to drink on your 21st birthday. Maybe you’ve got a nice basement or at least a fridge in the room of your shared apartment. It’s time to stock it up and be an adult. Beverage convenience at its best. This is an awesome thing to do on your 21st birthday that will be totally unforgettable.

Go To A Concert

You don’t always have to drink on your 21st birthday (the next two ideas will support this). A concert is an awesome thing to do if you want a thrill that doesn’t have to be influenced by liquor. Instead you’ve got fun and entertaining friends around and a performance by one of your favorite bands. Plan it out in advance and make it a huge thing. You’ll never forget this happening.

Tea Party

If you’re the classy type who likes to host elegant and fancy parties showing off your elaborate tastes, you’ll definitely impress your mature crowd by having a beautifully and extravagantly decorated tea party on your 21st. Have some close friends help you with the preparations and arrangements. There’re also plenty of lovely locations with beautiful views you can rent as well. This is a really sweet thing to do on your 21st birthday that will certainly be charming and memorable.



If you’re not afraid to explore and see the world and you have a passion for beautiful indigenous views, try traveling for your 21st birthday. Unforgettable views for an unforgettable birthday, make unforgettable memories. I’m a huge fan of travel to exotic places where people don’t ever go. You’ll get a selfish, all-encompassing, romantic buzz. Go at it alone, with friends, or a S.O.

Celebrate With Family

There’s no place like home. And if you’ve got one of those crazy families that drink with their kids, then you can celebrate your big 2-1 with your fam and let them spoil you with free liquor! It’s always good to go back home once in a while. After all, if those people didn’t birth you and raise you, you wouldn’t have made it to 21.

“All I Want For My Birthday Is A Big Booty Hoe!”

OK relax. Women aren’t hoes, it’s just a song; but guess what else this is that you can do on your 21st to make it really popping? (This is really far off from the prior, I know) By popping I mean…p***s popping, p***y popping, booty popping, and bottle popping. A strip club, duh! If you want to really get freaky for this once in a lifetime b-day, definitely step out of your comfort zone. There’s nothing comfortable about this. Try to relax and the girls/guys do there job.

See Also
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Heavy Metal Party

Yes we’re picking it back up again. People still listen to heavy metal music! You can make this a big thing by renting a venue and hiring a DJ. Have an open bar and get all your mates wasted and mosh it out! Heavy metal is what adrenaline is about so if you’re into this, rock on!

In Da Club

Hitting a club is more convenient if you don’t want to actually throw a party and go through all the trouble of venues, supplies, and planning. There’s always something already going on that you and your friends can get into. Be cheap and drink before you go (no one’s judging), or spend big for your 21st and buy out the bar!


Raaaaave Partaaaaay

There’s a venue for whatever you might be into (at least in NYC). If it’s not the metal or typical clubbing, check out a spot that’s raving! Either way this type of birthday celebration will be wild and legit. This is an ultimate thing to do on your 21st Birthday.

Alcohol And Video Games

There is no better combination. Actually wait, being intoxicated might interfere with your gaming abilities. But still. Celebrate your 21st birthday party this way if you’re a gamer. Have tons of friends over, buy tons of bottles, and set up tons of tournaments. Nothing builds excitement like a room full of aggressive and competitive gamers. This will be a remarkable bash.

Stay Home And Chill

Don’t wanna be apart of the hype? There’s nothing wrong with that. Just stay home for your birthday. Binge on cake and Netflix. Get extra sleep. It’s your birthday, you can do what you wanna. Believe it or not this is an awesome thing to do on your 21st birthday. Especially if you’re not into the stereotypical habits of society and want to be diverse…


Host A Themed Party

Into RP? Me too. It’s not too weird if you think about it. It’s the adult version of Halloween except it’s your birthday! If you want something totally epic to do for your 21st birthday, host a themed RP party where everyone has to dress up. There’s tons of activities to do around this that’ll be exciting and memorable.

Cook Off Party

Another totally awesome way to celebrate your 21st–especially if you love to chef, and have a ton of cheffing friends–is to have a cooking party. BYOG–Bring Your Own inGredients–and of course some drinks too because…you’re officially the legal drinking age. Sip some wine and make some especially favorite dishes with your friends. This is a unique and unforgettable way to spend your 21st birthday.

Are you turning 21? What would you do for your 21st birthday from this list? Let me know in the comments!
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