10 Awesome New Year’s Resolutions For Couples

New Year’s Eve is infamous for the kiss you make with your significant other once the clock strikes twelve. The gesture is romantic, and a fun way to ring in the new year! It never hurts to start a brand new year with a kiss, am I right? However, what comes with a new year (other then a kiss) is a time to start over. Perhaps you and your SO have gone through some hard times, want to make a few adjustments to enhance your relationship, or want a resolution just because. These are the best new year’s resolutions for couples that you and your boyfriend or girlfriend should give a try!
1) Treat One Another As You’d Like To Be Treated
Everyone likes to be treated equally – so getting jealous of your boyfriend or girlfriend for lying, or doing anything that you know would make YOU mad, you shouldn’t do.
2) Compliment More Then You Insult
After dating someone for a long time, you begin to get comfortable and may not realize that those compliments you used to dish out everyday, don’t happen as often anymore. In the new year, it’s important to remember to compliment your SO more then you insult them.
3) Try To Do Something New Every Month
There’s 12 months in a year, so you better get to brainstorming! This idea is fun because it keeps the relationship from getting too boring. It doesn’t have to sky diving either, it can be something as simple as trying a new food.
4) Break A Bad Habit Together
This is one of the best new year’s resolutions for couples because we all have a bad habit we need help breaking. If you’re unsure of yours, ask your partner – I’m sure they will tell you!
5) NO Phones
If you’re going on a date, or just having some down time with your boyfriend or girlfriend, try cutting out your phones. Trust me, you don’t need them as much as you think you do.
6) Have More Sex
It’s scientifically proven that sex brings us closer together, so why not have a little bit more of that? I’m sure your partner won’t have a problem with it!
7) Hang Out With More Couples
Relationships are amazing, but sometimes it can get boring just surrounding yourself with the same person. In order to switch things up, try hanging out with more couples! It will give you and your SO something new to talk about, and will be fun to bring more conversation in.
8) Be Happy By Yourself
Having a happy and healthy relationship is important, but the bottom line to a happy relationship is to be content by yourself. You don’t always need someone by your side to have a fulfilled life.
9) Be Weird Together
It’s so important to feel comfortable around your partner, and a part of that is having the freedom to be totally weird. Bust out a dance move, or sing like you would alone in the car, I bet they’d love it!
10) Prioritize Date Nights
One of the best New Year’s resolutions for couples it to prioritize date nights. Now, this can be weekly or once a month, but it’s important to do so to keep your relationship healthy and happy!
Did you like this list of New Year’s resolutions for couples? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Just a twenty-something trying to navigate life. Northern Vermont University graduate. Yes, I own Birkenstocks. No, I do not like maple syrup. Hoppin' around New England since 95', currently in MA.