Tricia Appelgren

10 Of The Worst Covid-19 Pick Up Lines

10 Of The Worst Covid-19 Pick Up Lines

With the world being locked in place, we're having to find new, and creative, ways to flirt with each other.…

5 years ago

15 Text Messages You Should Never Send To Your Crush

Text messages are how we communicate these days. Especially with all of us being locked down in our homes. Right…

5 years ago

10 Sex Moves Guaranteed To Finish Her

We're stuck in quarantine. It sucks. Nobody can go anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary. We are spending more time with…

5 years ago

25 Strong Quotes For After A Breakup

Breakups SUCK. Sometimes we need just a little extra push to get us to where we need to be. Whether…

5 years ago

20 Child’s Games You Can Turn Into Drinking Games

When you're bored and looking for something to do, you may not think about turning children's games into drinking games.…

5 years ago

10 Tips For Maintaining No Contact After A Breakup

The best thing to do after a rough breakup is to go no contact. Keep your distance. Don't remain friends.…

5 years ago

10 Empowering Songs To Boost Your Mood

Having a rough day? Chances are if you're down, you're dealing with a broken heart. I'm there myself. I reached…

5 years ago

15 Glitter Nail Polish Ideas You’ll Swoon Over

Glitter polish is both pretty and attention-grabbing. We love it when the sun hits our nails and you see that…

5 years ago

12 Ways To Find Your Zen Throughout Your Day

We live in a crazy, crazy world. Finding a way to take a few minutes and chill can be hard…

5 years ago

10 Activities To Keep Your Mind Off Your Break-Up

Breakups SUCK. There's no getting around it. Even if you WANT the relationship to end, on some level, they still…

5 years ago