Travon Wimberly

The Best Resume Examples You Can Find Online

The Best Resume Examples You Can Find Online

Need to create a compelling resume but completely lost? Don’t worry, we got you covered. By using Google Docs, you…

6 years ago

Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out Over Not Knowing Everything In Your 20s

Freaking out over not having everything figured out yet? Finally hitting your 20s and starting to feel anxious about not…

6 years ago

10 Reasons Why I Hate Fraternities

Fraternities and sororities are synonyms with the college lifestyle. While I don’t personally have an issue with anyone who’s proud…

6 years ago

How Technology Has Divided Us

Nowadays we are connected to each other more than ever through technology. The devices we carry in our pockets allow…

6 years ago

Why I Don’t Watch Cable Anymore

Within the last few years, I've discovered a shocking revelation about myself. Despite growing up and watching much of this medium,…

6 years ago

Avoid Toxicity At All Cost

I'm sure you can name more than a few people in your life that you would deem as "toxic." These…

6 years ago

10 Chairs That Will Make The Perfect Piece Of College Dorm Decor

Yeah, that new dorm of yours is nice, but where on earth are you gonna sit? Are you really gonna…

6 years ago

Are Most College Students Repressed Addicts?

Most people think that the college lifestyle is one filled with many vices. From drugs to alcohol, the college experience…

6 years ago

The Top Tips On How To Write A Reflection Paper That Will Score You An A

Are you struggling to write reflection paper? Is the topic something that completely bores you? Here are some tips to…

6 years ago

Dorm Tips To Keep It From Looking Too Plain

Finally moved into your new dorm but feeling like there's something missing? Are the solid white walls starting to drive…

6 years ago