I absolutely love to party. I party hard and I party often. I come from a place where we spend…
College, a magical place where you always have something due and endless chances to make really bad life decisions. College…
Let me start off by saying that DaSilva Hall is the best, and I am so happy I got to…
Forget everything you think you know about how to survive a long distance relationship in college and everything you’ve been…
Everyone’s going to have a job at one point in their life and it’s always a good idea to get…
There are 8.406 million people in New York City and still, it seems like it’s really hard to find someone…
For me, New York is everything I expected yet somehow absolutely nothing like I thought it'd be, all at once. I…
Dear Piers Morgan, “Stop being such an offensive, misogynistic brat and grow up – it isn’t cool, it’s pathetic.” Do…
Kanye West: a huge influencer of pop culture, and polarizer of families and friend groups. You either like him or hate…
So... I camped out to see Zayn Malik. People have this idea that New York is just a parade of crazy shenanigans…