Stephenie Thorne

5 Face Masks That Are Both Relaxing And Effective

5 Face Masks That Are Both Relaxing And Effective

Face masks are the perfect way to sit down, relax, and take care of your skin. They're not only a…

6 years ago

Amazing Fall Desserts For Anyone With A Sweet Tooth

As the leaves start to change colors and the wind picks up, you know it's time for fall. Fall is…

6 years ago

10 Of The Most Beautiful Places To Hike In The World

Hiking is a great way to get in exercise, explore natural surroundings, but also to see some of the amazing…

6 years ago

10 Colleges With Outrageous Amenities

Ah college, the perfect time to learn, make new friends and get used to living in a cramped dorm room.…

6 years ago

10 Festivals Around The World Made For People Who Love Food

Festivals are a great way to enjoy art, music, and movies. Typically festivals have a core focus on one particular…

6 years ago

5 Scary Things High School Teachers Told Us Would Happen In College That Never Actually Happened

College can be scary and pretty darn stressful. Especially if you're not even in college yet and just in high…

6 years ago

10 Things Every DU Student Should Do At Least Once

Being a DU student can be stressful. From the hectic quarter system to the construction slowing down your walks to…

6 years ago

5 Ways To Spice Up Your Dorm Room Without Breaking The Budget

Your dorm room can be exciting at first. It's a sign of independence, freedom, and having your own space. But…

6 years ago

A Guide To Avoiding The Freshman Fifteen Without Going Crazy

College comes with a whole lot of new and exciting stuff. Your own place to live, tons of college club…

6 years ago

Fall Lentil Soup Recipes Perfect For The Season

Fall is coming and it's super exciting. Not only does the season mean cooler temperatures and changing colors, it's also…

6 years ago