
My High School Experience And Why It Didn’t Prepare Me

My High School Experience And Why It Didn’t Prepare Me

Remember your high school experience? Try and think about how many teachers, coaches, and parents have told you that high…

7 years ago

10 GIFs That Describe Being An Appalachian State University Student

If you have spent anytime in Boone, you may realize that life here is a little different than anywhere else.…

7 years ago

10 Types Of Appalachian State University Students

When you come into college as a freshman you become more aware of the people you are surrounded by. A…

7 years ago

The Typical Day Of An Appalachian State University Student

Smack dab in the mountains, you can only imagine the endless opportunities for students at Appalachian State. If students are…

7 years ago

14 Reasons Why Being The Middle Child Isn’t So Bad

Some may say that being the middle child totally sucks. Half the time you are forgotten about and the other…

8 years ago

20 Signs You Grew Up In Fayetteville NC

Every city has things that everyone knows about. Some are bigger than others and have more options and some are…

8 years ago