Sara Ruzevich

Sara Ruzevich is a senior sociology major and a member of Zeta Phi Kappa sorority. She is candy fanatic and hopeless romantic.
20 Couples Halloween Costumes To Try With Your BFF

20 Couples Halloween Costumes To Try With Your BFF

For Halloween a lot of people do these cute couple costumes. However, for those single people out there you can do…

7 months ago

20 Signs You’re in Zeta Phi Kappa

1. You own at least one key necklace. 2. You have more clothes with ZΦK on it than clothes…

1 year ago

An Open Letter To Any Girl Who Hasn’t Found Mr. Right

Dear Friend, Hi, my name is Sara and I almost gave up on finding Mr. Right. I entered college with…

2 years ago

20 Thoughts You Have During Recruitment

If you are going through recruitment, you have signed up for one of the longest weekends of your life. Here…

2 years ago

10 Reasons to Join a Sorority

When people think of sororities they tend to think about parties, sisterhood, and all the other things they have seen…

2 years ago

What To Do If You Hate Your Boyfriend’s Friends

Your boyfriend is great. You guys have the storybook relationship you dreamed about since you were a little girl. Your…

2 years ago

7 Holiday Traditions for Couples

The holidays are always a fun time to spend time with family and friends, continuing or starting new holiday traditions. Growing…

2 years ago