Rhys Ivan

Rhys is a Music Therapy student at Ohio University. He sings in 3 choirs and an A Cappella group and can be found eating burritos, drinking coffee, or randomly and sometimes inappropriately bursting into song in public.
6 Reasons Why Pokémon Go Is Actually A Really Good Thing

6 Reasons Why Pokémon Go Is Actually A Really Good Thing

Even if you’ve been living under a rock the past couple weeks, there’s a small chance you haven’t stumbled across…

5 months ago

6 Steps To A Less Stressful Week At OU

It’s Sunday evening. You’re looking at the week ahead and you can already feel your heart racing just a tad…

6 months ago

11 Things I Learned As An RA at OU

I had the opportunity to work as a Resident Assistant, otherwise known as an RA at OU this past year. When…

8 months ago

11 Tips to Survive the Summer Away from OU

One of the most difficult things that we Bobcats have to face is leaving the incredible place that is Athens…

9 months ago

The Ultimate Ohio University Bucket List

Graduation is right around the corner for the seniors at Ohio University, and as they get ready to head out…

10 months ago

Life Lessons I Learned From Being a Camp Counselor

I consider myself incredibly lucky, because for the last 2 years I have had the best job in the entire…

11 months ago

Why Being Single In College Is Actually Kind Of Great

In college it seems like relationships are everything. Whether or not you’re in a relationship, you see them nearly everywhere.…

1 year ago

In Perfect Harmony: SMO and WE Tours

Spring break means a lot of things to different students at Ohio University, from vacations, to trips home, and even…

1 year ago

15 Signs You’re In An A Cappella Group

If you have been or are currently in any A Cappella Group you will definitely be able to relate to…

1 year ago