Qamiljana Rrapo

5 Things To Do Your Freshman Year That Will Make The Rest Of College Easier

5 Things To Do Your Freshman Year That Will Make The Rest Of College Easier

Your freshman year of college can be a confusing, overwhelming but exciting time. You can start fresh and completely reinvent…

5 years ago

The Best Shampoo For Every Hair Color

Just like any other part of your beauty routine, shampoo makes a difference in your hair. There are shampoos that…

5 years ago

10 Anklets To Rock This Summer

With so many accessories for your wrists, ears, face, and neck the light is hardly ever shining on anklets. As…

5 years ago

5 Sorority Recruitment Tips To Calm Your Nerves

If you chose to go through sorority recruitment at some point in your college career the idea of not knowing…

5 years ago

5 Shows You Need To Watch That Embody Girl Power

Every now and then a show about girl power will air on television and it slowly becomes one of your…

5 years ago

8 Things You Should Always Carry In Your Bag

There are a few things every woman should always have on her so that she can be ready for any…

5 years ago

Top 5 Beauty Products Of All Time

When it comes to beauty products we want to invest in the best of the best. These products are going…

5 years ago

Safe Tinder Dating 101

Dating comes with so much excitement. But with all the dating apps being developed they can attract some questionable people.…

5 years ago

How To Stay Safe At A Party

Parties are a time to have fun with friends and enjoy yourself. The last thing you want to think about…

5 years ago

The Morning Routine You Should Adopt ASAP

Mornings. They're either your best friend or worst enemy. If you look forward to mornings and have no trouble actually…

5 years ago