Nicole Luszczak

Nicole is an eighteen year old writer from Southern California. When not writing, she is cooking, reading, or hiking in Malibu. A freshman at the University of California, Irvine, Nicole plans on double majoring in Business Administration and Literary Journalism. One day she will be the editor in chief of Self Magazine and will live in New York City with her three mini pigs.
Ultimate Ranking of UCI Dorms

Ultimate Ranking of UCI Dorms

Finding a place to live in college is one of the many important steps we all must take before actually…

4 months ago

Guide to Eating on the UC Irvine Campus

Scouring through UCI’s website for meal plan information can be a substantial task. UC Irvine provides its students with plenty of…

12 months ago

10 Awesome Courses At UCI You Didn’t Know Existed

When I was considering majors for college, I did not take everyone’s wise advice and research many different fields of…

1 year ago

20 Reasons UC Irvine Is The Greatest School On Earth

1. The Anteaters are winning. And by winning I mean, UC Irvine has been ranked first among universities under 50 years…

1 year ago

10 Reasons Why I Chose UCI

Growing up, I had the idea that I needed to move hundreds or thousands of miles away from home to…

8 years ago