Nancy Strahan

5 Habits We’re All Guilty Of That Might Be Hurting Your Relationship

5 Habits We’re All Guilty Of That Might Be Hurting Your Relationship

We all want the fairytale. We want a relationship with no fighting, loads of laughter, tons of memories, and all…

6 years ago

5 Healthy Ways To De-Stress And Let Loose That Don’t Involve Alcohol

These days it seems like there is always something to stress about. You either have papers due, midterms or finals…

6 years ago

10 Tips For Staying Safe While Traveling In A Foreign Country

10 years ago I traveled to Mexico with my sister to celebrate her birthday and ever since then, I have…

6 years ago

5 Fun Activities For Anyone Experiencing Their First Alaskan Summer

Alaska is a beautiful place in the winter, but we would be kidding ourselves if we said it could hold…

6 years ago

10 Must Having Clothing Items For Camping And Backpacking

I am a self-proclaimed hiking professional. I mean no one pays me to hike, but a girl can dream, right?…

6 years ago

5 Questions To Ask Your Love Interest Before Getting Serious

We all love the first few months of a new relationship. You're both on your best behavior, everything is new…

6 years ago

10 Tips To Get Healthy Clear Skin

Unless you have been extremely lucky, you have struggled with your skin at one point or another. It can be…

6 years ago

5 Easy Meal Prep Lunches For Girls On The Go

With summer just around the corner, the pressure is on to lose those inches you may have picked up around…

6 years ago

10 Must Haves For Hosting A BBQ Party Everyone Will Enjoy

Finally, summer is right around the corner, and with bikinis, long days, and no school, also comes backyard BBQ’s. I…

6 years ago

The Truth Behind Counting Calories To Lose Weight (My Honest Experience)

In today's day and age, it seems like all of us are trying to lose weight, get bikini ready, or…

6 years ago