Makeila Hofer

"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers."
15 Things To Buy For Your Dorm You Will Use Until You Graduate

15 Things To Buy For Your Dorm You Will Use Until You Graduate

When it comes to living in a dorm room, there are plenty of things you will need to buy. It…

5 years ago

Signs You Are Overstretching Yourself

Overstretching yourself, or stretching yourself too thin, is one of the worst things you could possibly do. Whether you're working…

5 years ago

12 Natural Makeup Looks For Your Next Zoom Interview

Looking your best for any occasion is an essential must-know-how. Especially when it comes to job interviews. Now, due to…

5 years ago

5 Makeup Looks To Try Out For Green Eyes

Upon making an entrance, it does a woman no good to just be the most attractive one in the venue,…

5 years ago

How COVID-19 Has Affected Customers And How Grocery Store Employees Are Handling It

Every job has its perks: employee discount, advanced notice of sales, and incoming products. Sometimes the perks of a job…

5 years ago

20 Matching Top and Bottoms Outfits That Will Make You Feel More Put Together

Sometimes it is so hard to decide on what to wear for the day. Let alone how you should wear…

5 years ago

Feeling Stress? Trying Acupressure Might Help You

I have only recently discovered what acupressure, or shiatsu, is. And quite frankly, it seems luxuriating just by the sound…

5 years ago

Why It’s Never A Bad Thing To Own Too Many Mugs

Think you have too many mugs? As a mug enthusiast, I'm here to tell you that you can never have…

5 years ago

How Going To The Beach Benefits Your Brain

“The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.” This quote by American artist…

5 years ago

What To Say To A Friend In Need

When a friend is in need, there is a list of things you could say to them. "What is wrong?"…

5 years ago