Having a credit card when your in college is really handy. You can always use it in an emergency, and…
Your room can be a reflection of who you are. The pictures or posters on your wall represent what movies…
Looking for ways to get a few extra dollars to spend this summer without having to work? A great way…
Here's a tutorial from Phyrra about how to do a nice summer eye look. It features the Summer Eye Palette…
Studentrate Trends now has it's own Facebook page! Like our page to join in the action. You'll see a mix…
Nail decorations don't just have to be something that you can only get done at the salon. You can make…
Studentrate is now on Polyvore! Polyvore is a social commerce site that is powered by community. The users make "sets",…
Picking a wireless plan can be pretty difficult, especially when it starts to get all technical and you start to…
This is a really simple DIY that doesn't take too much time, and is super helpful. When you have a…
What you wear to an internship is very important because it's how you are representing yourself to the company, and…