Kaitlin Gettinger

Kaitlin is currently a Junior English Major with a Creative Writing Certificate, Spanish and Psychology Minor at Northern Illinois University. She is a Delta Zeta, Gamma Rho Chapter. She spends her free time crafting, watching Doctor Who, and planning out her next vacation.
10 Reasons Work Friends Are The Best Kind Of Friends

10 Reasons Work Friends Are The Best Kind Of Friends

1. They see you at your worst...and still love you. You know those days you just roll out of bed;…

1 year ago

20 Signs You Go To Northern Illinois University

1. You hate geese. For anyone who goes to Northern Illinois University, if there’s any real threat, it’s the geese…

2 years ago

10 Fun and Original Mixer Themes

Think about this: when going out on the weekends, how long does it take you to choose an outfit? Sometimes…

2 years ago