Jazzmin Ayana Collins

The 10 Coolest Places To Check Out In Baltimore

The 10 Coolest Places To Check Out In Baltimore

Whether its food, art or fashion. Baltimore has it all. Our Baltimoreans not only know how to throw down on…

5 years ago

Why NYC Street Style Fashion Will Set You Free

Whether you are in the streets or scrolling down your Instagram feed, NYC street style fashion never seems to sleep.…

5 years ago

Vegan Restaurants To Try In Baltimore, Maryland

Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Atlanta have quickly caught on to the plant-based and vegan lifestyle. As…

5 years ago

The Trends We Will All Be Wearing This Winter

Tis the season, Winter is slowly around the corner. Seasons change, and the trends follow along with it. A brand-new…

5 years ago