Hebist Asfaw

Hebist is a student at Slippery Rock University majoring in Public Health. She is passionate about healthcare, living in faith, and adores coffee and cats. You can find her writing at her personal blog Adarlingworld.com
20 Signs You Go To Slippery Rock

20 Signs You Go To Slippery Rock

1. You crave sun all year long. It's either snowing or raining most of the year, so summer and all things…

1 year ago

10 Things Only International Students Understand

As fun as it is to move to a completely foreign place and go to college, there are some things you…

1 year ago

10 SRU Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow

If you want to build your rock pride or just snoop and see what’s going on around campus, go ahead…

8 years ago