Elizabeth Martorano

Why The Friends You Meet In College Will Stay With You Forever

Why The Friends You Meet In College Will Stay With You Forever

Growing up you've probably had someone tell you that the friends you make in college are different from any other…

4 weeks ago

How To Tell Your Roommate That You Have Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide, and if you are as unlucky as I am, you know that it…

4 weeks ago

15 Things You Should Never Say If Your Roommate Has A Mental Illness

Mental illness affects nearly 1 in 5 people. If you roommate happens to be one of those people, don't freak,…

1 month ago

15 Friends TV Show Gift Ideas For The Obsessed Fans

Do you know someone who can quote every episode of Friends? Or someone who's always binge watching Friends when you go to their…

4 months ago

10 Things You Should Do If You Think Your Roommate Needs Help For A Mental Illness

College is a time for experiencing new and unfamiliar adventures. These will be the years you figure out what you…

8 years ago