
The Best 10 Bags To Carry Your School Stuff In That Aren’t Backpacks

The Best 10 Bags To Carry Your School Stuff In That Aren’t Backpacks

I don't know about you, but up until I started college I picked out a new school bag every year.…

7 years ago

An Open Letter To My Parents As I Enter My Last Semester Of College

Dear Mom and Dad, first and foremost, I want to start by saying something that you probably don't hear often…

7 years ago

Getting Engaged After A Month Or Less Of Dating – A New Trend?

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past month, you probably have heard about Ariana Grande and…

7 years ago

The Pros And Cons Of Adopting Vs Buying A Dog For Yourself

If you're thinking about getting a dog, there's a lot to consider. Will you be home enough to train and…

7 years ago

If Your Strands Are Turning Into Brassy Blonde Hair This Summer Season Try These

If you have blonde hair, then chances are you know the struggle of having it turn brassy during the summer.…

7 years ago

20 Useful Apps For College Students To Download

Whether you will just be starting college this fall or if you are a returning college student, there are some…

7 years ago

10 Amazing Food Places In Long Island You Need To Try

Long Island is home to approximately seven million people. That's a pretty large number of people for a relatively small…

7 years ago

Why Everyone From Long Island Is Obsessed With Bagels

If you're from Long Island like I am, then you know just how good our bagels are. If you're not…

7 years ago

15 Things I Wish I Could Go Back And Tell My Freshman Year Self

As someone who is about to start their last semester of college in a month, I've learned a lot over…

7 years ago

10 Things Working With The General Public Has Taught Me

For the majority of my high school career, I worked as an assistant at a hair salon that my mom…

7 years ago