Ashley Pelczynski

Why Working In Retail Or Fast-Food Are Great Jobs To Start Off With

Why Working In Retail Or Fast-Food Are Great Jobs To Start Off With

Searching for jobs in high school, or even for the first time, can be hard to do. You have no…

5 years ago

No Date On Valentine’s Day? These Dating Apps Have Got You Covered

Sometimes it's really hard to find a date any time of the year, let alone for Valentine's Day. These six…

5 years ago

12 Tips For Finding A Relationship On Tinder

Tinder is famous for being the app that people go on to hook up rather than find a relationship. Even…

5 years ago

Match-three Mobile Games And How To Know If They Are Worth Installing

There are many match-three mobile games out there, so it's hard to decide which ones to keep and which ones…

5 years ago

Non-Teaching Careers You Can Pursue With An English Degree

So you're looking into getting an English degree but don't want to teach? Well, there are many careers available to…

5 years ago

What Recent Meme You Are, Based On Your Zodiac

Every meme has its time as the zodiacs move through their months. Check out which recent meme you are based…

5 years ago

Clubs In High School To Check Out When You’re An Introvert

High school can be tough, especially when you're an introvert. Your energy gets drained all day by being around many…

5 years ago

Changing Majors In College? Here Are Some Tips

Changing majors is a big decision during college. It can determine a number of different things. Check out these tips…

5 years ago

6 Tips For Making The Most Out Of This Spring Semester

The spring semester can bring stress and anxiety over trying to get everything done on time since it's usually shorter…

5 years ago

10 Veggie Dishes To Show Up With At Your Next Party

Oftentimes at parties, the veggie dishes are scarce or not found at all. Which can be hard for the vegetarian/vegan…

5 years ago