
Andrea is a writer from California who keeps buying used books she doesn't need from library sales. Her favorite author is Sylvia Plath and she is currently working on her first novel, a middle grade book about kids in space.
Why Being Latinx is Not An Ethnicity

Why Being Latinx is Not An Ethnicity

Imagine this. You walk into a doctor’s office to do your annual check up. The receptionist smiles at you as…

7 years ago

Places At UC Irvine That Have Doubled As A Hollywood Film Set

Anteaters, you have been walking in the footsteps of film stars!! Have you always thought that UC Irvine would make…

7 years ago

Confessions From A Social Introvert

I'm an introvert. I’m a quiet person. I like to sit, observe, and hear what other people have to say…

7 years ago

10 Must Have Apps Every Girl Needs On Their Phone

Do you live on your phone? Apps can come in handy in tight situations! Here’s a list of 10 must…

7 years ago

9 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At UC Irvine

College flies by fast! One day you’ll be meeting your freshman dorm roommate and before you know it, you’ll be…

7 years ago

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Film Major

And action? Being a film major is no joke! While many might question your decision, it is one that is…

7 years ago

What You Should Be For Halloween This Year

Can you believe summer is just at its end? It feels like only yesterday that June arrived. With the new…

7 years ago

7 Memes You Will Recognize If You Used To Be A 1D Fan

Let’s take it back to the UK in 2009. An up and comping group of teenage boys were about to…

7 years ago

15 Reaction Memes That Describe Anyone Studying For The GRE

Ahhh studying for the GRE... graduate record examinations… the bane of any wannabe grad student’s existence! This exam is a…

7 years ago

5 Dream Vacation Homes You Wish You Could Stay In

Tired of your daily routine? Everybody dreams of their dream vacation that will whisk them away to a wonderful place!…

7 years ago