Alexandra York

10 Tips For College Freshmen During The Pandemic

10 Tips For College Freshmen During The Pandemic

Starting college is a very exciting time. It’s a brand new idea of a new life… new friends, new surroundings,…

5 years ago

The Best Beauty Products from Black-Owned Brands

First, let me start by saying this: the protests might be less frequent, and the social media posts might be…

5 years ago

5 Best Fitness Apparel Brands

At-home workouts have been the keeper of sanity for many of us throughout lockdowns and restrictions the past few months.…

5 years ago

21 Ideas To Celebrate Your 21st Birthday

You’ve almost made it to the most exciting birthday of your life. It only goes down from here (or so…

5 years ago

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Wearable Fitness Technology

As more and more of us adopt fitness rituals into our own lives, the variety of fitness technology is only…

5 years ago