Why You Should Move To The Gold Coast After A Heart Break

"Hi, I am a passionate believer of the universe, karma,…
Why you should move to Gold Coast after a break up? Come. Let me tell you..
He: “I have fallen out of love. It just happened.”
She: “Umm.. what do you mean it just happened? Were you ever in love with me?”
He: “Of course. I really f*@#$ing loved you”
She: “Then how can this just happen? I’m confused.”
He: “You know I cannot express my feelings properly in words…”
She: “Wow. You are going to use my ability to understand you right now?!”
He: “I have nothing I can say.”
She: “You hardly ever do. But that must be why you fell out of love.”
Heart = Broken.
A thousand swords through your heart, back and mind. It has been a while now that they have gone while leaving you walking around like a zombie. A zombie that wants to kill someone but is basically dead. He left you but left you with a hole the size of Jupiter and now you want to run. Run away, far and wide. So, come. Come to Gold Coast. Travel to us, halfway across the world where no one knows you and you know no one. This is what you need. Trust me. Gold Coast promises to keep you safe. Gold Coast… Oh! What a pretty name! Gold.
Here are seven reasons why you should move to the Gold Coast after a break up!
1) Gold Coast will fill you up with gold like “Kintsukuroi”
You will be glad that you broke a little.
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2) You will not have a chance to feel ugly or unwanted.
Gold Coast and its people have beautiful souls which makes everyone visiting Gold Coast feel beautiful even at their worst.
3) The Australian millennial shift to Gold Coast
To get clean and level headed. However they can.
4) You learn to appreciate beauty
Gold Coast teaches people to soak up the sun and appreciate nature with all its bounty.
5) There are various places within Gold Coast that you can visit to calm your nerves and breathe air that fill up your lungs with happiness.
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6) You will not be able to define why exactly you are happy or why you feel a weird yet exhilarating sense of relief.
7) There are a variety of ways in which you will be able to feel part of our Gold Coast.
The best way to feel part of our beautiful city is by becoming one with nature. Trekking tracks are one of our most valued possessions and it will never tire you. The beauty around is so magnificent that the height of the mountain will not faze you. At the end of this list.. All I will say. You are NOT alone.
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Let us know what you think about the Gold Coast in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

"Hi, I am a passionate believer of the universe, karma, love, convulated love, humanity and peace of mind. I have been writing and creating ever since I was a little girl. I write to speak to the audience who would click on my article. I write to let people know that they are not alone. I am a friend to all. Best friend to a few. I love to paint, read and envision. Ideation is my default button."